Friday, September 30, 2011


Why is the GOP backing away from Michele Bachmann? She has all the credential to be a viable candidate, just like most of the Republican potentials, who are vying for the front-runner position.

She is a lawyer, Congresswoman, as well as a business person; and her views are akin to conservative values of less government intrusion in people's lives, an abortion antagonist, and a constitutional student, willing to operate within its (Constitution's) bounds to the letter.

Yet, her efforts to prove that she has the persona and the background to be taken seriously in her presidential bid are being ignored.

Surely, she has made some simple mistakes in the campaign, such as wishing Elvis Presley a happy birthday on his death anniversary; however, that does not seem to take anything out of her resume.

She will abolish the Department of Education and give parents and the 50 states the right and authority to bring up their children the way they see fit, as she points out that the U.S. Constitution does not mandate any powers for the Federal Government to undertake to educate citizens.

As everyone else, there may be some nuances in her image, such as not remembering certain things occasionally, or making statements that do not relate to the specifics of a topic, her beliefs are strictly in line with conservatism.

At the moment, the field of Republican candidates seems to becoming over crowded, as Gov. Chris Christie is being serenaded by party leaders to jump in the nomination race. Former Rudy Giuliani is also contemplating running; and Candidate Herman Cain, who is already a hero, by winning the Florida straw poll, is moving up the conservative political ladder; and if all that does not give the outsider a picture of chaos or confusion within the party, then nothing will.

To many, Bachmann is being ignored for her stature as a small person, and probably because she is a woman. However, that will be deemed as an affront to women in the country, as they are also qualified, if they have the motive to be president.

She has a chance to clench the Christian vote, and the Tea Party membership has an eye on her as one of its favorites; therefore, why is she losing ground in the polls?

Needless to say that she has won the Iowa straw poll quite recently, and that must give her a boost in the nomination contest; but what is dragging her down can rather be internal; however, that can only be a guess.

Most independent voters are watching events unfolding in the GOP, even only to see if there is fairness equally in its considerations for all the candidates.

Bachmann's own ardent supporters must also have a watchful eye on the party's proceedings, in regard to fair play. They think that she shares a great deal of commonalities with all the other contenders, even though she is a female.

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