Wednesday, September 14, 2011


The winning of the special New York's 9th Congressional district election by Republican Bob Turner leaves a lump in the throat of many New Yorkers.

They are lamenting the loss of a safe Democratic seat, recently vacated by Rep. Anthony Weiner.

Weiner has resigned from Congress abruptly, due to a sex scandal; but nobody ever thought that the district would fall prey to the Republican political machinery; and so the announcement of the Turner win took many by surprise.

The Republican win can also be looked at as a referendum on President Barack Obama's policies; particularly on his suggestion that Israel has to go back to pre-1967 borders, in the long standing Israeli-Palestinian dispute.

However, the race was supposed to be about the protection of entitlement programs, like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid; something the Republicans could not be trusted to do.

Then, all of a sudden, it switched to the question of Israel "being thrown under the bus" by Obama; as described by some turn-coats. Turn-coats, because, some of those people were purported to be Democrats.

That ostensibly influenced the voting in Queens, New York, with a large chunk of Jewish votes going to elect Turner, who would not help to preserve those programs.

Yet, how about America itself? Should not voters consider the state of the country's economy first, and move to help to push the Obama job creation plan through Congress to put people back to work?

One could only think about a ganging up on those of us who wanted to see that what happened in recent months, of unnecessary arguments over the debt ceiling and the deficit reduction, by those who were just bent on bringing the Obama government down, should cease forthwith.

They (arguments) have cost the nation so much, in terms of getting the economy back on track, and making the high unemployment rate to recede.

For example, the closeness of the United States Government defaulting on its financial obligations must not occur again, as the fallout of that was still hurting the country; and not to mention the down grading of America's credit rating.

The nation has lost so much because of the actions of some people in Congress; therefore, the question should be, what was more important to the citizens of this country; America or Israel?

The Democratic Party loss in Queens, New York, showed how external influences could be used to control events in Homeland America, even if it was just a simple local election.

It also gave the impression that President Obama was wasting his time thinking about the gloomy economy, and how he could convince Congressional Republicans to help in making his new proposals to become a reality.

He was doing all he could to get it (economy) straightened out, to make things better for Americans; while others were deliberately sabotaging his efforts.

That must be considered as being pretty much absurd.

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