Saturday, September 3, 2011


President Barack Obama's new plan for creating jobs seemed to have had a foregone conclusion, as both industry and labor were critical of its contents, though in different directions, and wanted to dismantle it on paper before it even came out.

There was a surety in saying that private businesses employed more people than the government, and therefore job creation should be left to the private sector, in most part, since the government was limited in that sphere.

It could therefore be taken that the Obama plan would only cover a section of unemployment with programs that would meet with the kinds of work that traditionally came under federal or government supervision, like infrastructure repairs, rebuilding and management; and that would be it.

Aside from that, there was nothing much he could do to fight unemployment at its present level of 9.1%.

He should admit that he needed help, which would not be a shame at all, since it was common knowledge that he had inherited an economy with so many difficulties involved in it.

Simply put, he had a hard nut to crack, and all he could actually do was to assess the situation, and to apply the best methods to eliminate those problems that he thought were essential to tackle, and so to find a way out of the whole mess, of funding two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, simultaneously; among other things.

Unemployment would have been worse without his stimulus programs to save many state and local authorities from going under; the motor manufacturing industry and the banks; as The Troubled Assets Relief Program, T.A.R.P. bailouts, contributed to stabilizing the economy to a very large extent.

Needless to say that even Wall Street benefited from Obama's initiatives, and its share in a gloomy economy was for it, and the financial industry as a whole, to employ more people to get unemployment reduced.

In fact, the business sector was ready to begin hiring, if it was not for so much regulatory laws the Obama administration has strewn in its way. Only if some of those regulations would be removed, there would be joy and happiness for investor confidence to return into the business world and assist in reducing the ghastly unemployment figures.

One could only assert that party ideology and dogma were standing in the presidents way. However, from his present status in the polls, in which his own approval rating was at stake, one would hope that he would look reality straight in the eye and put party ideology and dogma aside, and leave the business sector to deal with unemployment, as best as it knew how.

The economy would bounce back; and that would be the only thing that could ensure his reelection bid to be a success. Nothing else could come between himself and victory in November, 2012, under such circumstance.

His opponents, like hawks, were watching to pounce on any weakness they saw in his plan, and to take advantage of it; therefore, he should be a 100% sure of what he said to the joint session of the U.S. Congress next Thursday, 8th. September, 2011.

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