Wednesday, September 7, 2011


The tenth anniversary of September 11th, 2001, comes on the heels of the downgrading of the United States credit rating.

It is like combining two somber events that have extremely negative connotations, together; and so they must be forgotten.

However, they should be remembered as two ominous occasions that alerted Americans that they should be on their guard always, because there were those, who would do anything to hurt them, solely out of sheer envy.

The U.S. is the only super-power in the world today; and in view of that, other countries are doing all they can to overtake it, in its leadership, in that respect.

There is no need to name names; and we are all aware of the fact that leadership has its advantages; but it also has its disadvantages. The most outstanding one is that, there is always someone or an entity who is planning to displace and/or replace a leader.

In view of that, America must be more vigilant than any other nation on earth, due to its leadership role in the world.

The U.S. Congress may be vigorously debating an issue, which many may take it as an internal affair, and so it has nothing to do with any outsider. That will be a big mistake, because, others are keenly watching. Whatever goes on in America is "everybody's business".

Therefore, members of Congress, must be very careful of what they say at all instances, for others are attentively listening.

There are those who can be referred to as friendly nations; yet, the fact remains that America is envied, and therefore it must have enemies as well.

Its foes will use the slightest excuse to make it lose its power, in almost every major field of world activities; be it its influence in worldwide business markets or in the overall global financial industry.

It happens to have the strongest economy, and that alone can make its enemies envious. It can even be used as a pretext to make it difficult for the U.S. currency to be as powerful, as it has been for many years. There are those who want that power to diminish, and so they compete with it everyday in financial markets all over.

Even in world politics, those who are not happy with America's leading role in the world, will be anxious to know that all is not well with the U.S.

Hence, the attacks on Washington D.C. and New York City on 9/11; and also the downgrading of its high credit rating, if only for that to be just an embarrassment to the country.

September 11th. 2001, must only be remembered with sadness, because many citizens lost their lives out of envy for America. Families are still suffering from it; and they have to be comforted.

The downgrading of America's credit status has come about, because Congress could not reach a compromise in time, in regards to the nation's internal fiscal affairs; and so, it must be looked on with much regret.

It has caused the country's economy to become unease; a onerous and burdensome event that has raised the level of unemployment to an ominous high figure of 9.1%.; and has prompted the stock markets and exchanges to be running helter skelter ever since.

These two occurrences, like Pearl Harbor, are now among the things that the country can never be proud of.

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