Saturday, September 17, 2011


Mayor Michael Bloomberg has found a new job for himself. He has actually done nothing, since he became Mayor some ten years ago, except to polish the shoes of his masters on Wall Street.

He has been sitting on the shoulders of former Mayor Rudy Giuliani for too long, as he (Giuliani) had done most of the work that Bloomberg was getting credit for.

One could start from New York's Times Square renovation, The Air-bus mono rail at JFK Airport, the stoppage of the squeegee-clean spectacle that was a disgrace to the city, and most of all, the handling of the September 11, 2001 attack on the WTC; all were done for Bloomberg to "rule the roost".

Except for his own personal accomplishment for being rich, and a few ceremonial functionalities that came with the mayorship, he could not point one single thing out that he has achieved for New York City.

Of course, some might say that he has performed his regular duties with distinction; but many others would not consider that alone as being wonderful and without reproach. He could do more than that.

It was a good thing that he has found out about what his colleagues in Washington D.C. were doing, to sabotage the efforts of President Barack Obama for his job creation plans to materialize; and also his insatiable quest to have the private sector to join in getting the acute unemployment situation in the country to go down.

All have gone unheeded; and so, his administration achieved "0" jobs in August of this year.

He, the mayor, was forecasting doom in the United State by using events in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East as pertinent examples; because he has seen the writing on the wall, such as "Business lobby rips Obama Jobs Act".

In that case, why should he not be bold and confront those who were perpetrating those acts? He has the power and the wherewithal to meet head on, and to challenge those people that were putting obstacles in the president's way.

Why could he not tell the leadership of the Republican Party to relent its insidious tactics and uncompromising opposition to Obama's job plans; with the recent one that he presented to a joint session of the U.S. Congress only a week or so ago, to be dealt with, as it should, for jobs to become available around the country?

One could adjudicate to the fact that the president has been pushing forward many proposals, in the creation of work, for the business world and the financial sector to join him to bring the high rate of unemployment down; but he has met with very little or no response at all from them.

The economy was going bad, not because of lack of ideas on the part of the Obama administration; but for the mere reason that his endeavors to get it (economy) back on track have been forestalled with counter proposals intended to "kill" his ideas.

The Republican opposition and some entities in the business and financial sectors, who incidentally had more capacity to grow the economy quicker than the government, have lobbyists working in Washington to impose their will on Congress.

They (lobbyists) have fundamentally been instructed to obstruct any plan that the administration had put forward to produce jobs. Hence, no bill could go through the Republican controlled House of Representative, that was designed for jobs to be plentiful across the country. Why?

As a result, the whole nation was under a brutal attack of an acute unemployment situation.

Now that Mayor Bloomberg has seen the light, let him do something about it. That would be his new assignment or job.

Basking in "Giuliani's sun" alone should not be enough.

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