Thursday, September 22, 2011


The only person running a political campaign in the Republican presidential race is Mitt Romney.

He is now attempting to deal with issues, like Social Security, and the ways to figure out how it can be made to last for future beneficiaries. Either to extend the retirement age by a year or two, or to use the interest accrued from it to stabilize it; and not to be misused or spreading it to inflate the benefits of higher-income recipients.

After all, Social Security can be viewed as a trust fund, which is to be utilized to benefit the people for whom it is established and nothing else. Yet, many governments have borrowed from it in the past for other projects, such as budgets; hence, the awful condition it is in today.

The other Candidates are gleefully attacking President Barack Obama on every issue, from the economy through to his Middle East policy, particularly, with respect to the Israelis and the Palestinians. A controversy that has been pivotal for many years; even before he will be born.

Although, some of his critics are nowhere near to achieving the Republican Party's nomination, they are acting as if they have already done so.

Perry's camp likes to chuck loads of political mud in Obama's direction, but now the advisers there are turning on Mitt Romney, on several fronts; showing that they can throw mud in many directions, and as the 2012 campaign continues to unfurl, the American public must look forward for more of the same.

The latest is Romney's rivals critique on his book, "No Apology", in which he has used an analogy of savings to establish trust funds by two separate grand-parents for the future education of their grand-children.

The monies have been used for other things by the bankers; so when the children are ready for college, the accounts are empty. "The bankers must go to jail.", Romney ascertains, for misuse of the monies.

Now, the crust of the matter is that Perry has described Social Security as a Ponzi Scheme, which has been met with a great deal of outrage on the part of the program's recipients; and to turn the tables on Romney, the Perry camp is accusing him of making a similar remark.

"Mitt Romney’s own book compared Social Security to a criminal enterprise,”; is part of a statement by the Perry camp.

Thus, they were comparing the "Ponzi Scheme" comment to an innocent and a simple example that Romney has made in his book about how Social Security funds have been invaded in the past by many previous U.S. administrations.

However, the comparison of the two circumstances do not match, as Romney has not used the words the Perry people are attributing to him, which are "criminal enterprise", either verbally or anywhere in his book, in connection with Social Security.

As the days go by, many distortions like this one will be found in the 2012 campaign speeches and statements; but those who are likely to put them out, must be aware that the American public will do its own research to verify the truth in all of them.

It is a promise; and it is one that politicians and their strategists can take to the bank. It (public) will not allow anything to go over the heads of its members, as they will be more alert now than ever before.

The next general election is so important for people to take any chances with statements that are being pushed on them, even accidentally, by candidates and their helpers, just to gain political advantage.

They have to be sure that they have their facts correct before they splurt them out.

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