Saturday, September 24, 2011


The Solyndra executives stonewalling a Congressional committee hearing of its abrupt bankruptcy, with a huge amount of $535 million dollars of taxpayers' money involved, does not bid well at all for the Obama administration, particularly, in these times, when there are a whole lot of disagreements on Capitol Hill.

Under the present circumstances, it will not be proper for the executives to invoke their Fifth Amendment rights, as that will cast more doubt on the case, and how they have used or misused the money.

In many people's eyes, that will be tantamount to lying, which will get them in more trouble than they will normally be for spending public money unwisely.

It will not be just them that will be adversely impacted, but the whole country, as their actions are suggesting that they are trying to fool all of America.

Their attorneys will be wise to advise them to come out and tell the truth, or their behavior, in front of a highly strung Congressional committee, will do more damage to themselves; because the committee is ready to go to all lengths to get them to tell how the company has come to find itself in such a horrible situation.

Such a large sum of money to a small company cannot vanish into thin air within such a short period of time, between 2009 and 2011; and they (executives) must have a very good reason for making that to happen.

Now is the time for them to show that they have no intention to dupe anyone; but the more they hesitate, the more their conduct will be deemed suspicious, if not criminal.

Many people will rightfully assume that the White House has tried to help "green" companies to get start-up capital, because President Barack Obama himself is passionately involved in the effort for America to become energy independent.

Yet, for a company like Solyndra to take advantage of the generosity of the Obama government, which is interested in helping small entrepreneurship, particularly, in energy programs, will be a grave disappointment, not only to the investigative committee probing the matter, but to the whole nation.

The president is pushing for more money to be spent in his new plan to create jobs; he wants the high unemployment level to go down, and to get the stale economic condition that the country finds itself to improve, get better and grow.

However, if the country allows a case like Solyndra to exist, then what is the use of shelling more money out that will find its way into the hands of shady characters such as these Solyndra's executives?

If Obama's job plan will have any meaning at all, it will take the president to clear the air about this case, which is threatening to be a huge scandal for his administration, and for his reelection bid. He cannot afford such a scandal.

His plan is to encourage companies to hire more people; but let him, first and foremost, straighten out Solyndra, and then employers will pay attention to what he is attempting to do, to bring out the good in them.

After that, if they do not respond to the president's plea for them (employers) to start hiring, then the blame of the country's economic plight will be on them.

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