Monday, September 26, 2011


President Barack Obama is trying very strenuously to push his America Jobs Act, and to get the high unemployment to decrease. Yet the question remains, if he will get a Republican House of Representatives to cooperate and pass a bill that will be in his favor.

They are adamant in stalling any proposals, the details of which may sound good and look basically attractive to the general public, but they know that the president will hyperventilate as much as he wants, they are not going to allow him any leeway on the House floor with their votes, where they count most, for him to advance his agenda.

Is it not a wonder that the Speaker (of the House) John Boehner, can say publicly that, "Job creators in this country are on strike,"; which is indicating that there is some kind of a conspiracy going on behind the scenes by business owners and politicians, who are vehemently against the president's efforts. As such, employers are not hiring.

Otherwise, how can he come out with a statement of that nature, if he and his backers, both in and out of the House, are not deliberately engaged in making the president to fail? So, a favorable bill is doubtful; is it not?

The America Jobs Act will be a great advancement "to bolstering the economy by helping small businesses, boosting public education, improving infrastructure and other components.", we have all heard that from the president's speech to a joint session of Congress only recently.

It is an Act chock full of extra ordinary ideas, that his opponents in the House may even be wishing, somewhere in their hearts, that they can help to get it out; because it will surely make things easy for many of their own constituents. After all, it is a job plan that is supposed to put unemployed Americans to work; is not that true?

Yet, why is it being blocked by the Republicans? Are they doing so, just to shame the president; and if so, how does that profit them?

However, the odd thing about it is that, it seems the president is going it alone; and giving a whole lot of speeches and doing a number of fundraisers, where he is stressing his plan to influential people in this country, who can go on television and on the radio, and seriously assist him; but none or very little of that is happening. There too the question is, why not?

Of course, there is the occasional impromptu program in which there will be someone like investor Warren Buffett saying that the high earning executives, as himself, are to pay more taxes to give the president's plan a boost.

The betterment of the country's economy rests on every individual, to come to its aid; and they fully know that paying their fair share in taxes cannot be ruled out, for it (economy) to become healthy again. So, why are they all sitting around doing nothing?

The real support that must come from the Trade Unions, small business owners and other staunch members of society, who always emerge to speak their mind on important issues and to draw attention, and to bring public awareness to them, is sorely missing.

That may mean that people are not listening hard, or they are quietly waiting to cast their votes against the Congressmen and women, who are obstructing the president, and therefore the America Jobs Act. They will be kicked out of Congress, and that will be another great idea.

Us independents are standing afar and watching things unfold; and we will do our civic duty, when the time comes.

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