Thursday, September 29, 2011


What is holding the America Jobs Act from getting through the United States Congress seems ridiculous.

It is just the payment of it, and although, most people know that the situation will never become agreeable, if individual members do not move from party ideology and make up their own minds, whether for or against the proposals and how it must be financially approached.

Party loyalty is preventing so many things from happening, as it has been seen in the debt ceiling and deficit reduction debates, only a short while ago; and that is affecting the progress that the country must be making economically.

President Barack Obama has laid out a plan that will reduce unemployment considerably, at a time when millions of Americans are crying out for work, and nobody seems to be doing anything close to resolving the problem, except to hold news conferences in the media and tell people that they are opposed to the plan, on the basis of party policy.

Of course, the reason is obvious on the Republican Party side, that imposing taxes on a section of the population is unacceptable, since that section contains the people that have the means and investment capabilities to create jobs.

It (section) has become the center of the current stalemate on job creation, as some are insisting that its members are not to be touched, when it comes to raising taxes; while others are saying that there must be no "sacred cows" in American society.

It all boils down to the simple fact that the wealthy people are being protected at the expense of the majority; and if that does not create a "class warfare" then what does?

In other words, the Conservatives are adamant on a warpped philosophy, that the wealthy must be protected from paying high taxes. Its (wealthy) members are the country's job creators, and the economy stands or falls on what they decide to do.

It clearly goes to show that it is not the government proposals for job creation that is objectionable; it is rather the safeguarding of the rich that must come first in the country's affairs, even before the acknowledgement that, to have social and economic stability, people must equally play their part to resolve issues.

That is what the Obama America Jobs Act is proposing; to get the wealthy to pay their fair share in taxes, and to find work for millions of men and women, who are unemployed. His plan is presently stalling, due to the stiff opposition from the Republicans mainly in the United States House of Representatives.

Now, the question is, if the elected government is not being allowed to govern, then who is governing.

In a democracy, it must not be the few (people) that have the right to impose their will on the many; yet, that is what seems to be going on in Congress; with the Republican majority in the House controlling the direction of where the nation, as a whole, must be heading, instead of the government.

Comparitively, they, the Congressional Republicans, are in the minority, in terms of the whole of the nation's population; but their power seems to overshadow that of the real government. Their influence seems to be overwhelming.

That must not be the case. It is causing the people's business to be meandering, instead of it moving forward and clearing the obstacles that are standing in the way of progress that the country must be making.

Again, all decends on the confusion on Capitol Hill; which must be disentangled before the country ends up completely crippled economically, as well as politically.

That is why the next batch of elections is so important, including the presidential election, of course; because the country will be at the confluence of disorder, if matters are allowed to remain at the boiling point, as they are now.

They (elections) are going to be tipping the country one way or another; toward social and political advancement or wholesale disaster.

It is believed that the president's bill, in regard to America Jobs Act, has no sponsor; and if so, why not?

What are the Democrats sitting on their hands for? They are there to do what their constituents are expecting of them; they do not seem to be performing the duty that they have been assigned; why?

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