Thursday, September 1, 2011


Many people would agree that the Tea Party group was formed from almost out of nowhere.

In that the Republican Party members in the U.S. House of Representatives were chastising the new government for spending too much on social programs; but they did not have an inkling that they would ever attract any support from the general public.

They maintained that the national budget was becoming too big, and therefore some cuts must be used to lessen it. There was no "Tea Party" then, but just a strong opposition in the U.S. Congress against government spending.

The loud outcry of "spending, spending, spending", particularly in the House, but lesser in the Senate, extended into the public arena. Ordinary folks did not associate Social Security benefit, Medicare and Medicaid with the spending that the Republicans were arguing about.

They were thinking that the Obama socialist plan of money going from the rich to the poor was being put in place.

One could remember the "Joe, the plumber" episode of a man who confronted the then Senator Barack Obama about "spreading the wealth", and setting agog the notion that he, Obama, intended to promote socialism in America.

That was therefore where the money was going, when as president he introduced his budget with many social programs in it.

Members of the public would do all they could to avenge the taxpayer from what they thought was a bad manipulation or distribution of funds by the government.

There was also a rumor in the media, particularly with one coming from a FoxNews video that money was being given out to African Americans in Detroit.

So, when the mid-term election of 2010 came around, voters decided to vote the Democrats out and replace them with people who were liable of stopping any programs that gave freebies to African Americans or blacks.

The Tea Party, which was then a ramshackle group, organized to get the Republicans to gain a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives, just to curb the spending by President Barack Obama.

However, its members were not sure of where the money was actually going until a short while ago, when it became clear that, with all the social entitlements, there were a slew of expenditures that covered a whole lot of items, from the military through to border protection.

Since then, voters have become aware and more informed of how the national debt and the deficit crisis have evolved.

The debt ceiling debate also opened many eyes; and therefore they (voters) would cast their vote as "educated customers" in any type of election from this day forward.

By the way, one should not count racism out as being the basis of the formation of the Tea Party group. Also, it is a "group" and not a movement.

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