Friday, September 16, 2011


James Carville asking President Barack Obama to "panic" in an interview with Wolf Blitzer was like an advise from hell.

There has never been a time, when Carville gave anything good to Obama, especially during the campaign of 2008, so why should anyone take him seriously at a moment, when the president has no real challenger to his presidency?

The two men, Carville and Blitzer, were talking about the New York and Nevada special elections, which resulted in losses for the Democrats; and that should cause Obama to panic. Yet, the question was, why?

The Nevada election was obviously held in a rural area, where naturally Republicans outnumbered Democrats, and so the loss there was not actually a big surprise.

However, the New York one was not surprising either, since the district was dominated by Democrats; but for Jewish voters in the district, who have been instigated by outside politicians to "stick it to Obama", for his policies toward Israel. (There were some insiders too).

In other words, the issues were different, where in one case (Nevada) voters were casting their vote on the economic status of the United States, while on the other hand, Israel became the focal point in the New York election.

The first and foremost people that should be conversant with the two divergent situations were Blitzer and his friend, Carville. So, for them to be so pretentious of the results of the two elections was just fascinating, if not deceitful; and the idea that Obama's reelection win concerned Carville so much for him to advise the president to "do something", as Carville suggested in the interview, was quite outrageous.

When Blitzer insisted on what the president should do to reverse the trend of Democratic losses, Carville replied by saying that he should fire somebody, anybody, anyone; using former presidents as examples. Yet, that was the most stupid advise he could give to someone that he had never supported before.

Carville was mean and nasty, directly or indirectly, to candidate Obama in the 2008 campaign; and as such, could his advise now be real or genuine? Also, for one thing, Carville, a Democrat, was married to a Republican strategist, and so, who in the world, in his or her right mind, would or could trust him?

Even if "2012 could be very rough for Obama", as he was putting it, he could not be saying so out of good will, to protect or defend Obama. He, Carville, just wanted to foster doubt in the minds of viewers; but he was doing so by hiding the real truth about the New York's 9th district election that was won by a Republican from them.

They, Carville and Blitzer, were both being facetious of Obama and the Democrats. They were actually poking fun at them in "the Situation Room" on CNN. That was rather unfair, and it should not be tolerated.

However, many did not share their joke; because the president did not have anyone as his challenger at the present moment; not Romney or Perry, from the Republican side.

The only person, who came close to being a true adversary, to really oppose Obama, would be Bachmann; but she was being practically ignored or overlooked by her own party, and she knew it.

So, Carville, take your advise and shove it. No supporter of Obama would want to hear from you again.

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