Monday, November 14, 2011


During the Republican Party Foreign Policy debate last Saturday, the most serious subject was Iran, the regime and its nuclear ambition(s).

Rep. Ron Paul, one of the party's staunch advocates to prevent Iran from going nuclear, was as vociferous as ever in saying, "....We -- we as commander in chief aren't -- to make a decision to go to war," and that was as strong, if not the strongest statement, as could be by any person, who was aspiring to become the president of the United States of America.

His colleagues/rivals seemed to collaborate with his thoughts, by expressing similar remarks with caution, as they knew the situation to be volatile, as it was dangerous, not only for that country, but the whole world.

Some of the statements made by politicians and others were as irresponsible as some of the irritable statements coming from Iran.

Even a child would know that Iran was attempting to acquire a nuclear bomb, and it was very close in that respect, according to the most recent report by IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), the international organization that seeks to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy.

Whatever happened, it would be able to do just what other nations, like India and Pakistan have done; and North Korea, as well as countries, which did not have the economic means within their disposal, were pursuing. They were all trying to have nuclear capability or capabilities.

All that depended on what they wanted nuclear power for; whether for peaceful use or for war against other nations, whom they considered to be their enemies.

As Iran has threatened to do with Israel, so should Israel ensure to defend itself, and to make it impossible for that to ever happen. It was on the verge of attacking Iran and stopping that threat; and if it was not for the restraints of the U.S. administration, Israel would have done so in recent weeks. It was even poised for that task, presently; yet, where would all that end should be what the whole world must think about.

President Barack Obama has met with the Russian and Chinese leaders to discuss the topic in Hawaii, which emphasized the seriousness and closeness of how a nuclear warfare could take place.

The president mentioned sanctions against Iran, which have "enormous bite", but military action was not off the table; and if that should not take the breath out of every person on the earth, with the leader of the Western world making such an awesome statement, nothing else would.

Yet, from the point of view of many peace loving people in America and around the world, there were talks about neutralizing Iran's nuclear goal(s) by other scientific methodology some time ago. Was that idea among the other methodologies on the table?

If such a method existed, would it not be the proper one to go for, instead of starting a war with a nation that did not care a farthing about its own people? Iran's present regime would kill for no reason at all, as has been witnessed in recent years.

Of course, the whole world was angry with Iran for its nonchalant behavior toward its neighbors; however, must it (world) cut its nose to spite its face?

Would it not be the best thing to follow up on; the development of the neutralizer that scientists spoke about?

Nobody knew whether that would be the solution to the issue; but it was worth trying, instead of unleashing nuclear arsenal on one nation, and then another, and then another; because they all had the same ambition(s); and that was, to have nuclear power, and probably the "bomb".

A nuclear war by anyone, any country or any entity, would not solve world problems, as there would be nothing left to salvage after that. It would not only destroy the world; it would annihilate it.

Would that be what we all wanted?

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