Saturday, November 26, 2011


PROPAGANDA: "is a form of communication that is aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position so as to benefit oneself or one's group." (

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is the official name of the Obama administration's health reform, which the Republicans and other Conservative groups have named as "Obamacare".

They are vilifying it in such a way that people are wondering why it is being attacked so much; that it is a bad program, it costs too much, and it is very unpopular, according these groups.

However, the fact is that it has given healthcare insurance coverage to an additional 30 million people. They are now insured, and they and their families can go to the ER, when they need to without any problem.

Most of the candidates running in the Republican Party race for nomination have vowed to repeal it. Romney, Bachmann and Cain have all forcefully come against it. It is their aim to dismantle it and to put it back together again their own way.

So, the public knows that it is obnoxious, but nobody has come out rebelling against it, in the form of a demonstration, such as Occupy Wall Street, an anti group against capitalism.

Or even the grassroots membership of the Republican Party and Conservative groups are not showing outwardly and protesting its existence. Where are they? The streets belong to them too.

For a measure of good reason, some people are skeptical of the attitude of those who are slamming the program, and are wondering, if it is not just pure propaganda by those, who are railing against the new healthcare program; and if that is true, then who must be behind the opposition.

Can it be the Private Insurance companies that used to run their own programs before and have messed the healthcare industry up; or the doctors and specialists, who are believed to have bled those programs to death, by high costs and exorbitant charges that patients cannot afford?

As a result, many people are denied policies due to high premiums, which they cannot pay; and the ones that are branded as having preexisting conditions are made to lose their policies, and are evicted from hospitals or turned away from healthcare facilities; some of whom die off needlessly.

Are they going to be forced to go back to that?

The healthcare industry has become so dysfunctional; a factory type of business, where people are treated as undesirable entities, because their health problems happen to be too laborious, in so many cases, to the point that policies are denied them, left, right and center. The shame of it all is that most of them are poor people and the elderly.

The only way to get the healthcare industry going well again is to completely overhaul it, and that is exactly the objective of the Obama administration from the very start.

The bad management of the system is what has caught the attention of the Obama administration before, and during its first days in office, to decide to reform it for the better.

The latest claim by those who used to hawk private insurance policies is that the new health law is a "job killer"; yet, they are failing to convince most people of that as being factual, except that they are using the high unemployment rate to support their argument.

Politicians, who are receiving campaign contributions from these healthcare companies and other private investors, must be behind all that hullabaloo, that Obamacare is worse than the previous system, and that they will repeal it to let it become the cornucopia for their backers as in the past; hence the heavy strain of propaganda against the new healthcare law.

However, will their tactics work?

Many are doubting whether their strategy will catch fire with a majority of healthcare users, as going back to "the status quo" will be impossible. They detest the past healthcare services, and if they do not like the new law, why are they not out there protesting against it?

They can see that all that the opposition is doing is spewing out sheer propaganda to discredit President Barack Obama; and that is all there is to it.

Will it (propaganda) fail? Yes! Of course. Why? Because most Americans are saying so; for they are seeing the light.

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