Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Businessman Herman Cain, whom everybody knows by now, has to come up with some truthful answers about his sexual harassment accusations, before they get stuck and become problematic.

He has told television pundits his story in several ways. However, he must realize, that is what journalists hate most; and that is to give so many accounts of the same event, particularly, when the person involved in telling these stories is running for political office. They call it "flip-flop", and it goads them into asking more questions.

Cain is giving them a chance of a lifetime, and they have come to love him for that Those of them who want the public to loathe him as a person, will make use of all the material they need to tear him down.

The same thing is happening to former Gov. Mitt Romney, that he changes his mind to suit his political ambitions; and that he is like a weather vane. Anywhere that the wind blows, there he manages to have a differing opinion from a previous one.

On Roe versus Wade, on climate change, on cap-and-trade, on homosexual "marriage"; he is "for" at one time, but now, he is against those issues. He does so by assuming a different position on the same issues, whenever he finds the opportunity to do so. He does all that to get support from a political base and make himself available to its (base's) cause.

However, that is dishonest; that is insulting to a larger section of the population, showing that a person, like Romney, indulging in such habits has no real scruples. Those habits become, together, an infectious disease that can extend into his core values. In fact, they undermine his Mormon faith that he is so proud of.

What a person actually stands for is extremely important, when that person is offering to be the leader of a nation; and in Romney's case, not just any nation, but the United States of America, and that makes it more so than ever.

In Cain's case, the inconsistencies are too numerous, they are bound to sink his campaign before too long. He maintains from the beginning that the sexual charges are false, then he overturns that and says the complaints have been made, and monies have changed hands to compensate the two women complainants.

Throughout his questioning by the news media, he has been building a substantiated case against himself, by giving different responses to the same questions.

One can trick these so called media pundits some of the time; but not all the time. They are too smart for Cain to be changing his position on specific questions; and if he does not know that by now, he is in an entirely new ballgame. They will prod him to speak his mind and get him to say what they want to hear; and doing so, by getting him to lie through his teeth.

Just as he is trying not to baffle his listeners, he insists on the same mode of answering; but at the same time, he is baffling himself with the basic argument that he has to face a sexual harassment charge, at least, once in his career, which he has to deny, for personal reasons, from the beginning.

Has he ever been accused of sexual harassment before? He may answer that trying to evade the question by answering it haphazardly; but if he emphatically says "No", that will be a lie, because he has to encounter one such charge; as he finally admits somewhere down the line.

His own camp is also coming out with some answers that contradict what he is narrating to reporters, and his whole campaign is fast becoming an easy fodder for Democratic analysts, strategists, critics and political campaign operatives. They are all going to come down on him like a ton of bricks in the next few days.

Now that he is enjoying his first or second place in the Republican Party's slate of presidential candidates, according to media and other straw polls, he has to be pretty careful of what he says; because every single utterance of his will be scrutinized for the bare facts.

Voters will want to meet with the true Herman Cain, if he wins the Republican nomination race, before they cast their vote in the 2012 presidential election. They will not vote for a liar; mark it on the wall, Mr. Cain.

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