Wednesday, November 23, 2011


People should remember Newt Gingrich, during the Clinton impeachment days, when he was the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, and played a leading role in the impeachment procedure, and helped the process to take place.

That was his time to have made claims on getting to the presidency of the United States, as he was very popular, younger and likable, even by those who thought politics was a "double cross" occupation.

However, for some reason, he did not show the nerve he was showing now, that he wanted to be president; and he started dressing up shabbily, became even dishevelled at times, and as if wanting the public to take its eyes off him.

Yet, that was his time, and not now.

As in all the Republican Party debates, he has proved his eloquence and intellectual abilities high above his rivals to get to the front of the pack at this very moment.

In yesterday's debate, he was shrewd, smart and well informed on all the topics. He knew about them long before; and he had experienced them, when he was the Speaker; and so, none of his challengers was as prepared as he was.

He must have considered that, he should not try to outperform those he had with him on the stage, but by being himself, all would show up in the form of knowledge ability and strong background.

So, he won hands down, with smart answers, and making his colleagues look like students, and earning his front runner position from Mitt Romney, who was forcing his responses from a litany of ideas that his advisers have given him for the event.

The others tried and tried their best; with Jon Huntsman providing an insight into his diplomatic understanding, and Michele Bachmann using her short stint in the...House of Representatives as a shield or a badge of honor.

Rick Perry was "uninventive" as usual, throwing things out and unable to find ways to replace them with anything, and thus not scoring him any points; and Ron Paul being the isolationist that he has always been, with no change of any kind in what he believed and in what has been telling the American people in all the the debates.

Santorum was as eclectic as he has been throughout; and as for Cain, his answers came from pictorial studies overnight, with no real substance in them; although, in his own mind he thought he was doing very well.

All in all, Gingrich was the winner. Yet, the question remained whether he could use his past to unseat President Barack Obama. Could he? Many doubted it.

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