Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Iran's attempt to obtain a nuclear bomb is a clear and present danger, not only to the Middle East and Israel in particular, but to the whole world and the kind of peace it (world) needs.

The attack on the British Embassy in Tehran yesterday makes it official that the government of Iran will do anything to push its agenda of spreading its brand of Islam through force and military power; and that constitutes a threat to all countries and their embassies, which under International law, are safe havens.

By flouting the law governed by the Vienna convention, Iran is acting as an undesirable country that must be faced before it does more damage to bilateral relations, which must be observed by all nations.

What makes the attack more dangerous is that the protesters include members of the secret police and the paramilitary basij brigades, which are under the control of Iran's Revolutionary Guards.

The reason for the invasion is quite obvious that the British is taking the recent report by the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) seriously, that the Iranians are up to no good.

The report cited "credible" evidence of Iranian scientists experimenting with a "nuclear warhead design." That alone must sound an alarm to the rest of the world that Iran is not just close to having the "bomb", but it is preparing to give a surprise to whomever it chooses, either to Israel or even the United States.

That is the basis upon which the UK is making a strong decision to "sever ties to the Iranian banking system and parliament, the Majlis," and it (decision) has annoyed the Iranian government so much so that, it has to give the order for the protesters to storm the embassy.

That must be quite obvious, because a squad of Iranian riot police has been assigned to the embassy, but it (police) is not able to put up any kind of resistance to stop the attack.

The scene is said to be similar to the seizure of the U.S. embassy in 1979; but as events in history tend to repeat themselves, America must not rest assured that nothing sinister is coming its way.

It all goes to show that the United Nations resolutions and sanctions cannot deter Iran from pursuing its plans; so, isn't it about time some dramatic action is taken before the inevitable happens?

The British embassy today, the U.S. embassy the next; and on and on it will go, by a terrorist country that has no respect for International law.


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