Friday, November 18, 2011


When one takes a look at what is going on in the world, and particularly, in the Western World, one sees the discrepancies in society stemming from only one source, namely, "education".

It underlies all the institutional systems, from government through to the life of a panhandler sitting in the corner of Union Square in New York City and expecting passersby to help him or her. His or her daily bread depends on other people's generosity.

To be panhandler in America is for foreigners; it will be for a citizen to forsake one's prior education to be that way. Some people, who have taken advantage of the education system are doing well; while others, for some reason or another, are not.

Yet, the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations vividly show what the education system has produced; and that is a host of people, who are to face life without planning for what the unknown has in store for them.

What most of them know is that one goes to school and "starts breaking the ground", in terms of getting knowledgeable information, and ending up with some kind of certification, like a law or engineering degree or a bachelor's degree in business, and then one will work for a corporation or a well established company and make it in the world.

However, after a while, many people come to realize the myth behind that concept, and that not every person is cut to fit that mold. Some will have difficulty in acquiring the background, as described above, because of the inability to absorb what is generally termed as "the beginnings of education"; as they may suffer from a learning impediment of some sorts.

Others may find different niches, and unlike those who are born with silver spoons in their mouths, pursue them and become successful in life. Those from rich families need not bother about making it to their goals, because everything has been made available and affordable to them, by virtue of been born a "prince" or a "princess".

Moreover, there are those who will fail in fitting into those two general categories, of the scholarly type and the not so good, but can be regular artisans or even common laborers.

There are also those who are good for nothing, and they are the ones that tend to create problems for society, when it (society) fails to direct them, by knowing their short comings right from their infancy, and how their learning disabilities can be turned into something useful, at the expense of the rest of the communities in which they are born into.

They may have other talents, which are sometimes hidden, but they (talents) are not analyzed from the very start, when they are young, due to lack of resources, most usually, of poor parentage.

That is when formal institutions, which have governmental initiatives, commonly referred to as programs, must come in to help and to bring out those, who have the chance of being helped, and in many cases, to institutionalize those, who are beyond any type of assistance.

There may be mental facilities or even prison establishments, depending on their social behaviors, to take care of those in the community, who deserve such services; however, a great deal of the people are just unemployed, poor or disadvantaged, and are to a large extent, capable of leading "normal" lives.

From this vast scenario, out of which basically comes the two main factions of society, of those who can manage themselves and succeed in whatever they do, and the ones who need help to survive and be useful; with the resultant factor that society becoming divided is inevitable in the real world, in which the two basic factions live alongside each other. As such, a class society can come about.

That is the source of most human experiences, interactions and animations. Politics and economics are two good examples, as Capitalism versus other social groupings, some of which are liberal and radical in nature, or are carrying all kinds of differing ideologies, operate in the same vicinity. The lives of the people and their activities permeate into the economic, political and social settings that are formally based on the tenets, of law and order, which provides a picture of how communal life is built.

Other such institutions coming from that source are political parties, social clubs, environmental organizations, financial concerns, etc.

In other words, rules are set in place for the people in the society to follow, abide by and respect. Those tenets are paramount, and so, the upheavals in the streets of cities and towns occur mainly on short notice, which sometimes catch law enforcement by surprise; or they originate from lack of proper foundations that have not been laid to initiate people into the many kinds of environmental situations and conditions that are common place in most societies.

Those foundations or tenets must be seen as being vital, as they provide for the upbringing, support and manageable functionality of families. Otherwise their (society) members enter into them (environments) haphazardly, and as a result, not all are able to come out smelling fresh or good or nice and clean. There also the possibility of lawlessness and chaos.

Most of the time, conflicts thrive in societies, which are promulgated on the pillars of division, under the circumstance; and that tend to create factions of "haves" and "have nots", which in turn nurtures a fertile ground for greed, disparity, animosity, hatered and other humand short comings that have been laid bare for people to address, redress or to take advantage of. Most usually, people do go for the last one; mainly for selfish reasons and not for the wellbeing of the whole.

If that description does not give other people a printout copy of modern societies, then nothing else can.

That is the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations; that is a dysfunctional Congress of the United States; that is the endless fight between the business world and Trade Unions; that is the scuffle involving the rich the poor; or what is termed as "class warfare".

In short, the best education must be crafted to suit society; and not society to be designed to fit what is formerly referred to as "education".

If a change is needed for a better world, it is now that it must occur. Or the same struggles, as are prevalent today, will continue to plague societies indefinitely.

It will seem as advocating communism, for people to be vetted, and to start life equally, but it is not, when weaknesses that are found early in humans are corrected, before they bloom into making, for example, those that have mental deficiencies become the species society cannot understand or be able to handle.

Becoming a scholar, a banker, a business entrepreneur, have all been made easy; however, the rest has been left to chance or to go to waste; the bulk of which constitutes the teeming majority or masses of people, some of which are found in streets of towns and cities demonstrating in civil disobedience and thumbing their noses at law enforcement.

Change the educational system to be beneficial to all; and reforms for all other human institutions will follow suit.

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