Thursday, November 3, 2011


As more women begin to come out with allegations of sexual harassment by the GOP frontrunner Herman Cain, a case begins to build up against him and portraying him as one, who only sees women as sexual objects.

A third person has surfaced, claiming that she has been sexually harassed in the work place by Mr. Cain; and if that should continue, with numerous women accusing him of inappropriate conduct toward them, his political campaign would be completely damaged.

His staffers have been claiming that they were receiving more campaign contributions now than before. They have collected $400,000 in just one week, and that was a record for a week's contributions to their candidate. They were supposing that the general public was sympathising with Cain.

However, though monies were involved in at least two cases in which the women were remunerated in the form of settlements or agreements, or even severance pay, it was not money per se that made his circumstances to stand out.

It was the nature of a man, who wanted to be known as "Mr. Clean" on his political journey to the White House, and his attitude on the campaign trail, which showed that he was plain and forthright speaking, has caught the notice of many voters, as a bold and outspoken individual.

Such a person would not hide any shortness in his character, particularly, from his admirers. He was striving to be a man of integrity, honesty and valor, and to indicate to the public that he was fit for the office that he intended to occupy without blemish. In their view, he was truthful, so far.

He has set a high standard for himself, thinking that it would be difficult for any of his political rivals to match. He was one such formidable candidate that no one could and should compare himself or herself with; but he conveniently forgot that he had a chink in his armor; a weakness that he thought would never come to light.

Yet, when it did, he wanted to stave off the charges with lies and false statements; but that would not work with the media. They would throng him and ask provocative questions, to get him to lose his cool.

What was happening here was that Mr. Cain had a character flaw, and no amount of statements, as those from his campaign manager, to cover up his past deeds, would succeed.

Cain and those around him have also fallen for "the act", when the media had a person or persons in the palm of their hands, that the more statements they were making about the allegations, the more contradictory some of them would sound; and that would force the Cain campaign to go under a tacitly and unintentional lock-down.

Any statement that came out of there would be guarded pretty closely, and it would be whitewashed; but could that also get them in more trouble?

The media had all the time in the world to wait, for them to solicit all the answers they would require to sell the information they gather; and so they would examine each statement very carefully to make sure that Cain was fully exposed for his habitual female misconduct, if in fact, he did the things that he has been accused of.

Cain had always thought that they (media) were friends; but they were not. They made their living on what people did or said. He trusted them, but the sad result was, that he did not realize that until now. It was something that all seasoned politicians knew about, that "the press" was always neutral and objective; but it had been too late for him to internalize that fact.

If Cain could surmount all the allegations, his campaign would have some life in it, and it could continue; however, from the looks of what was going on, with new complainants coming forward, it was very likely that it has only the slightest chance to move on as usual. Or, its (campaign's) days were numbered.

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