Monday, November 28, 2011


The middle class and working people of America have never had a sympathizer as President Barack Obama, since LBJ's war on poverty, which many thought was a camouflage for JFK's death, and never trusted him, until they were able to get him out of office, using the Vietnam war as a pretext.

It was with a heavy heart that he made his resignation speech, saying the famous words, "I will not run for president,", on March 31st, 1968.

In his mind, he thought that Americans, and particularly the masses, who were mainly poor and of middle class background, would back him, because he was fighting their cause; and they were such a disappointment, it made him sad and close to tears.

His program later degenerated into making America a welfare state, which most came to detest, and thus making Johnson's ouster a reasonable feat.

The analogy here was Obama sticking his neck out for the very same middle class and working people against the enormous power of the 1% of the population that ran the United States with their investment portfolios and bank accounts. Those were the corporate and industrial moguls in the country.

Nobody could face them head on and not get hurt, and it took the bravest to challenge them and be able to remain in the White House, as Obama was doing. He had said that they should pay their fair share in taxes, and how dared he to say so, since they were the job creators and business builders.

They (moguls) could not have better persons to champion their claim than the Republican Party members in the U.S. Congress, most of whom were millionaires themselves, and the propaganda machinery of their party targeting to discredit the Obama administration's policies as repulsive, unproductive and failures.

They have used a single word, "spending" to organize a stiff opposition, which has come to be known as "the tea party", that was made up of all manner of people, but mostly of racist in nature; and together, they have sworn to uproot Obama from being the president of the U.S.

It (spending) has become a magnet even for simple folks to assume the nation's debt to be rising exponentially, since Obama took office; but where the vast majority of the spending was going, his detractors refused to say. It was feeding two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and defending the nation from its enemies, besides other relevant expenditures that any government should incur.

Corporations and big businesses have money reserves sitting idle in vaults and out of commission. They have stopped hiring people; as well as many so called small business entrepreneurs or owners, who were out to cheat their workers, by refusing to give them the same healthcare coverage that they had, have joined the band. They objected to the new healthcare law by the president, "Obamacare", as they themselves called it.

Hence, the extraordinary downturn of America's economy and high unemployment, which were being aided by the many upheavals going on around the world.

Nevertheless, all the actions of the opposition were geared to destroy Obama and his administration.

If there were to be a class warfare, Obama did not start it. It was the wealthy 1% that had a political party carrying its banner, and utilizing its resources to terminate him, because he was overly protective of the middle and working class people.

The Occupy Wall Street demonstrators should have come out showing their support for his American Jobs Act proposal, but it did not outwardly do so; however, many could imagine that the demonstrations taking place all over the country were the beginnings of a social groundswell, which would be ready to give him a second term.

Unlike LBJ, he was not going to throw in the towel, with the middle and working class people looking in. He deserved their support in the 2012 general election, and he should get it.

Besides, a former governor of Massachusetts, who left with a profound unemployment in the State, and an intellectual elitist, who made his money writing books, were not the ones to carry the nation forward, emotionally, economically and politically.

Their sole ambition was to interrupt Obama, which should not be permitted by the middle and working class people of America.

P.S. This blog remains neutral.

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