Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Businessman Herman Cain is in trouble, and many people think that he knows it; but he is taking it too far and making it a point to defend himself to the hilt, and that is a mistake.

He is old enough to know that honesty is not a commodity that is sold in the market. It is not even a habit of nature; it is cultivated, and then it becomes part of the psyche of a person.

If one does not learn it that way, one will be picking it up intermittently through life, to face challenges and experiences; and when that happens, one becomes inwardly agitated, as to when to be or not to be honest.

In other words, it becomes a matter of convenience and a habitual tool, to use it or not to use it, where and when. It tends to be a second nature of the person, which forces him or her to defend a position with nothing but, to put it tacitly, lies and amnesia.

The contradictions will be a heavy load on the conscience, and the conscious mind will begin to plot against the inner person, who knows the difference between being truthful and telling a lie; however, the outer personality, will go for the latter, because he or she cannot help himself or herself.

It would be presumptuous to say, that was what Herman Cain was experiencing now, with respect to the sexual harassment charge(s) leveled against him. However, he knew what was going on, that it was an awful situation that he has found himself in, but a fight it was; a struggle in itself, and he would be damned, if he chose not to engage in it, due to his present place in life.

He had thought of running for president, but he did realize that he would climb up so high in the polls, and even be his party's front runner. So, whatever should happen in the course of events connected to that position, he should defend it in such a way to make what was not honest to be honest. That was honestly called fabrication.

He has made so many conflicting statements in several media interviews about the accusations by two women; and that they have been compensated, due to unwanted sexual behavior by Mr. Cain toward them.

He knew about those charges; however, when they came to light, he wanted to put them behind him. He would not have normally done so, but because of the status that he has acquired in politics in recent months, he should build up a strong defense to "stem the tide", so to speak.

Yet, by so doing, he was digging a deeper hole for himself, as the media would go to any length to expose any skeletal remains that he had in the cupboard or closet. He would want to be truthful and honest in his responses to the questions he would be confronted with, but his answers would be like pouring cold water on ice. He was adding to it and making the ice more and harder, as people would still associate him with being dishonest from the very start.

"He knew about the scandal ten days ago; he was not aware or could not remember if an agreement or a settlement was reached with the two women that have lodged the complaints; it was false; and that it was not true ........" and on, and on he went.

It was just like pulling the wool over the eyes (of the American public); and that was going too far by a real patriot as Mr. Cain.

To be honest with Mr. Cain, his advisers should stop him, and that they should ask him nicely to step out of the Republican Party's nomination race; because if things continued the way they would, owing to the inquisitive nature of the media and probable attacks, they would leave a bad impression on people's minds about the party.

It was a fact that Mr. Cain was an African American (he would prefer the word "black"), and that went against him in the society he lived, whether he agreed or not. So, his adversaries would want him out, under the circumstances; therefore, he should butt out of the contest.

It would be in his own best interest to remove himself from the Republican nomination race without delay. His staying in it would have an adverse impact on all black Americans; and those in Herman Cain's own life.

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