Monday, December 26, 2011


This guy, Zakaria, is doing a disservice to American politics, to say the least. He thinks that he can write anything and get away with it.

His articles anger a whole lot of people, when they appear, and they, people, wonder why CNN has allowed him to be narcissistic and bombastic at times, without any attempt to correct him or slow him down in many of the incredible statements he makes.

The most annoying thing of all is that he tends to write in the first person plural, as if he is the only individual that has become a naturalized American.

He writes like he is not expressing his own opinion, but that of groups of his Middle East or Arab friends and colleagues, making him look as if he is a mouthpiece for them.

His latest is his piece, "Too soon to judge Obama" of comparing past and future American leaderships. The article shows a great deal of naivete on his part, and it perplexes most people, if he cannot find any other perspective in his writings, but only that of criticizing the United States foreign policy or the kind of leadership that it has had before, now and in the future.

It may be CNN or some news publication that has appointed him judge over how American leaders have to behave, from a Muslim or Arabic point of view, but that will be absurd, because there are many writers from the Middle East, who can do far more better than he.

The statement that, "Many think that Obama just doesn't have what it takes to be the kind of leader we need - the kind we have had in the past. Many Democrats pine for someone like Bill Clinton who was just such a 'gifted political player' and a 'legendary leader.' ", demonstrates how very little this man knows about American politics, except perhaps from, as said before, an Arab vantage point.

Bill Clinton is the luckiest man to be president of the U.S., because apart from his impeachment trial, he is not notable for any real achievement, except for the economic surplus that he has obtained for the country at the end of his tenure at the Oval Office; and even that has its critics, but that is for another story, another day.

However, to compare Clinton or even Carter to Obama can be a no-brainer, as Obama has achieved a better record in National Security and foreign policy than any of them.

He has been able to conduct an operation that has nipped Osama bin Laden, and his war, as part of America's friends in NATO with Libya has put out a brutal dictator like Gadhafi.

He has been able to end the war in Iraq, and although, some critics are saying that it is a bad move; yet, isn't it about time for the Iraqis to take responsibility of their own affairs, after thousands of American casualties; the dead and the injured?

Also the costs of that war and the Afghan operations are affecting the present U.S. economy in an unfair manner. All that money must be brought back to Mainland America to solve its domestic problems; and he is doing just that.

His foreign policy, with another Clinton as his Secretary of State, is winning friends for the U.S.; the latest being Burma.

American journalists must be dwelling on these achievements, instead of writing stupidly about or ignoring them.

Except for presidents G.W. Bush and W. Bush, who must be credited for getting rid of Saddam Hussein, Obama has accomplished more than any other president in recent history.

Reagan has not even done anything as notable, except to ask "Mr. Gorbachev to tear down this wall," and that has contributed to the end of Communism, as some people may lead one to believe.

Otherwise, Obama is the only American leader that has gone to war in which there has not been a single U.S. casualty and at the most minimum of cost in Libya to get rid of a despot, who has killed several Americans in the Pan-Am Lockerbie bombing.

Obama's only issues are the economy, border protection and immigration; and he is fighting hard to put the economy right, and on the immigration question, which goes hand in hand with border protection, he is developing a comprehensive legislation with the Congressional Democratic Caucus to bring those under control.

The effects of his policies on immigration and border protection will be seen in his second term as president, and they will good for all Americans to judge him on.

Though, he must not be congratulated as yet, since his work is not fully finished, but rather, he must be encouraged to pursue the policies that will make Americans proud.

Pieces from journalists like Zakaria, must be read with seriously looking at the background of that person. They must be read with "a grain of salt", because they (pieces) may have ulterior agendas, which the public may not have any inkling about (or is it "of").

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