Saturday, December 17, 2011


Jumping around like a rabbit finding a bite to eat does not make a passionate person or candidate. He may get attention, but he has no charisma.

Plenty of people also judge a man, in particular, by his mannerisms; the way he will answer questions; and if he gives off-the-cuff answers before he turns around to correct himself, he is figured out as unreliable.

A woman can sometimes get away with being frisky or even feisty in one minute and sedate and intriguing in the next, because that is somehow built in her nature; however, not a man, who must be bold and gentle, as well as being genteel in his composure.

That is socially or generally deemed as how a man is supposed to behave, though a deviation from it is not mandatory upon anyone, as one person may differ from the other. Yet, the basic or principal tenet of character is behavior.

He must not be too aggressive in relating to others, but he must not also be demure, or he will be looked on as self centered and immature in his upbringing, or withdrawn and without upbeat moments in his everyday life.

Two brothers or even twins have their own individual characteristics; and Mom is first to notice the differences, as she will be looking for them, because she is designed to do so, naturally.

Those two divergent characters are on display in the current political scene, as the candidates go about their business on the campaign trail, with respect to the people running in the Republican Party's nomination race.

One is described by someone who knows him very well as a weather vane; that he "never seen a guy change his positions on so many things, so fast, on a dime,” he says about him. (ABC News, 12/17/11). However, he is the one who looks electable.

The other is shown as being forceful and aggrandizing in his ways, but not flamboyant. Even a political rival has said that he is very much condescending and not worthy to be bothered with. Yet, his power is that he will speak his mind no matter who is listening.

Many think being plain and straight forward pays, because his poll numbers keep climbing; however, he has more socialistic baggage for the political arena. There are too many concerns about his personal life.

Two brothers, and even twins, because they are both conservatives; and so, which of them will be suitable to be nominated to face off with President Barack Obama, who is clean cut, and who is making his second bid for the president of the United States via the 2012 presidential election.

In view of that, many assume the Republicans have a dilemma on their hands, which will be very hard to address, and to redress, before the general election is here in the month of November, next year.


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