Monday, December 12, 2011


As just discovered by Herman Cain, that politics is a dirty game; but, as if he does not know, it is what runs the world. As a businessman, it is a wonder that he fails to see it that way.

It (politics, collectively) only comes in different types; however all of them have the same organic tenets on which to exist, namely, social, economic and cultural pillars, with the last ... cultural ... being the most important.

It then can divide itself ideologically into organizations and parties through which governing bodies or governments emanate.

How kingships and sheikdoms that have ruled in centuries past have their individual basis from clans, ethnicity and tribal groupings; the advent of education and civilization have come to revolutionized it.

Through that comes the newer or modern systems, which are Socialism, Communism and Democracy; and here too, the last being the one that many nations are gravitating toward.

Yet, whether it ... Democracy ... is the best form of system, and how long it will be embraced by all the societies utilizing it, only scientists, sociologists and anthropologists can tell. The analytical processes by scientists, involving Democracy, continue to unfold as time goes on.

Historians have a part to play in its maintenance, but they, historian, can only comment after the fact of events happening, be they natural or man-made, but its survival is anybody's guess; at least, in the interim.

That brings us closer home to the United States. Why? Because it is a Democracy born out of the adversities of a revolution and a gruesome civil war. The greatest achievement of ordinary men and women being able to govern themselves away from the domination of aristocracy. (Kings, Queens and Sheiks or Shaikhs, in Arabic).

America's system or type of Democracy embraces individuality, and the ability to use one's strength and natural prowess to advance socially, economically and politically.

It also offers freedom (and some say, too much of it)to its citizens, and that has been its main attraction by other nationalities around the world, it has caused them to emigrate and domicile here.

They love it as a country to the point of being patriotic. They fight in wars to protect it, for the most reason (and there are several others) that it creates opportunities for them to establish and grow their families and enjoy life under its profound national security.

It is the greatest Democracy ever formed, as history tells us, by the Founding Fathers. "It is of the people, by the people and for the people."; "a system that will live forever." the Founding Fathers are likely to have anticipated.

There are so many famous quotes with respect to the American Democracy, and they are, or most of them are grandiose and affectionate; however, what is at stake here is its culture.

Change will come and change will go, but it must not affect its culture, which is based on its language, English.

Everyone who wants to live here must embrace the culture of the founders, and it becomes incumbent upon any person, who chooses to be a citizen of the United States to learn and make English his or her first language.

By virtue of all kinds of nationalities, with all brands of cultures making America a "melting pot", change is bound to occur; but it must not replace the mother tongue of its creators with any other.

In other words, despite the differences that people may culturally have, they must call themselves Americans first, and be able to use the English language.

Or, it (America) will lose its uniqueness, which sets it apart from other nations; and it will become like any other country, because its attractiveness will be gone for good.

One is not condemning any nation or nationality in the world as being inferior or mediocre; nonetheless, one wants to preserve America and its culture.

Politics can change everything; but it must not be allowed to change the culture of the people; in this case, the American culture.

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