Wednesday, December 14, 2011


There is no end to what the lawmakers in Washington D.C. will do to damage the enthusiasm of the people of the United States, for this holiday season.

Throughout the year 2011, they have accomplished nothing, in terms of bolstering the nation's confidence to meet what seemed to be ahead.

Iran acquiring a nuclear weapon, and what it was going to do with it. Or Israel attacking that country in self defense, and that could trigger a third World War.

The latest being the fight over the payroll tax cut that President Barack Obama wants for the middle class and ordinary working families.

The U.S. House of Representatives has passed its version of the bill that would oppose the one that the president favored, igniting a fierce argument that would reverberate through the other chamber of Congress, the Senate.

The Democratic Party majority in the Senate would defeat it; and even if it did not, the White House staff would have an easy obligation in presenting it to the president, who has vowed to veto it.

The reason being that, the House plan has been linked to the controversial Keystone oil pipeline from Canada to the U.S., terminating in Texas.

It was a separate issue, and it was still being studied by State Department scientific experts of its environmental concerns, and therefore it had no place in the payroll tax cut bill, whatsoever.

In view of that, there were a whole lot of issues at risk, which included the payroll tax cut per se, and government spending through the following year, that was equally important. So, if the bill has to fail, it could result in the government shutting down.

All that was happening, because of the intransigence of the Republican Congressional members, who were determined to do whatever they could to bring about the failure of the Obama administration.

It would be an anomaly to compare the homosexual community, who would destroy anything to be homosexual; like marriage, the only relationship, in any culture, which has a purpose.

That the purpose of marriage was, (and still is), for procreation only and nothing else.

The Republicans would do anything to remain reactionary, even if they have to do so and destroy the U.S., only to get the Obama administration out of the way.

To many, this must be a serious accusation; however, it underlay what was currently going on in the country today.

Yet, if only a simple bill would be made to pass through both the House and the Senate, Americans would have the peace of mind that they drastically needed to devote their energies to what was extremely and more important to them; and that was the well being of themselves and their families.

The future of the nation is at stake; for it is being held hostage by a handful of people, just because an African American is now the president of the U.S.

If there is any doubt of that, just ask the common man in the street.

P.S. I would not call anybody "Gay", unless that was their name. Besides, my cousin, Nat King Cole, used it in his songs, and I might add, in a positive way.

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