Saturday, December 31, 2011


Today's news of China's space adventure, and a Robot named Philip are making people to think that technology has been able to find its way for persons and nations to do things without breaking a sweat.

If they have the resources, they could use that to create an Android that could talk and reason with humans; or they would send a space craft to put the world on notice that they have bold plans to exploit outer space, and even to show that they could replicate what the United States did in the 1960s, by landing men on the Moon.

The U.S. has been scaling back on its space program, not because of lack of interest or enthusiasm, but it could not afford the luxury that China has.

With a vastly growing economy and huge surpluses in its fiscal reserve, the scientists and engineers there could be funded quite easily and handsomely to do anything in the national interest, as well as to boost its (China's) image to the rest of the world.

Philip's creator has been dubbed god (with a small "g"), and that should tell one that there were a lot of people or companies that would be producing robots to do their will.

To do their will? That should not be a scary question in America, because inventions like that have always been used for peaceful purposes, such as the elevator, the coffee maker, the vacuum cleaner, and the little robotic machines that could mop the floor.

They have made house cleaning to become easy, and people who could hire maids for domestic housekeeping would have the equipment for them (maids) to use to cut down on the chores they needed to complete each day.

Car manufacturers were already having robots that could be programmed to build automobiles from start to finish or with very little supervision by men, of course.

Flower gardens and golf courses have been seen to be manned by machines, and so Philip's kind could be put to work on so many types of work that computerized gadgets could even outperform humans on.

As for space, there would be no limits, and there would be no watchful eyes to see what was really going on; and that could make one to cringe, if only a little bit, and have grounds to be suspicious, not that China has any ulterior motive other than for national prestige.

However, since there were other countries, like Russia and Japan, that were having similar plans to invade outer space in the near future, the International community should get involved.

There would be chaos up there; and so, what came to mind was the world's own security being placed in the hands of robot makers and those, who could set up stations in the sky to orbit the earth. They would be inclined to do anything they preferred.

The news, nevertheless, has this to say, that "Some experts say a critical gap in Chinese-U.S. space relations is the absence of regularized talks on space security, which took place between Washington and Moscow during the Cold War.maned." (CNN 12/31/11).

Let us hope that could be brought back for all nations to participate in; and though, guidelines were not possible for anyone to follow or observe, mere talks would be better than nothing.

As for Philip, he and his friends would start dating other robotics to produce more of their own kind.

By the way, his full name is "Philip K. Dick Andriod". Perhaps, the spelling of the last name has been changed for the sake of copyright law.

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