Friday, December 30, 2011


Santorum's surge in the Iowa caucuses polls is not surprising, for the simple fact that he has not wavered even slightly from his conservative beliefs. That alone will be the qualification he needs among party loyals and fanatics.

He will be a better candidate for the Republican Party, if it will see fit to nominate him for the 2012 general election; however, party leaders as well as rank and file of the party consider him to be too "pure" for this day and age; and that his message will not resonate well with the "iPad/texting" generation.

However, looking at his age and his political background as a former Senator, he will be the quintessential individual, who fits the mold of a future president. He is younger than his colleagues on the campaign trail, and he seems to be in real good health; and that can be an attraction for voters.

Hence, his rise in Iowa, which is not at all sudden, is now coming to the forefront. In other words, people are always having him in their sights.

His natural mannerisms are what is holding him back, as he portrays too much gentility and candor for a modern day politician. He must look a little bit "cagey, ruffled and aggressive" as some of his rivals in the Republican Party's nomination race.

What people like about him most, though, is his stance on abortion, that life begins at conception, and that there is no other way to look at it as being an act decent for society; and that makes him a true darling to the pro-life sector of his party.

A mother's life might be in danger; yes, but that is what doctors and science are liable to work on, and be able to save it, instead of destroying another life or taking it out on an innocent human being, a little baby.

Yet, it all boils down to the nitty gritty of politics, whether Santorum can be a match for President Barack Obama, who is witty, forceful and having a deluge of campaign skills under his belt.

He is a liberal with caution, who does everything moderately to appeal to Americans, both young and old, as well as women of all ages, particularly, those aging from the mid-thirties to the fifties; and they tend to be the voting crowd, according to political analysts and pundits.

He is also taking his reelection very seriously, with a formidable team of campaign professionals, who will not allow anything to chance.

Whatever is thwarting his candidacy for a second term in the White House, they are capable of fixing; and so, it will be an uphill battle for anyone, who wins the Republican nomination to challenge him for the office of the United States presidency. He has been able to win it once, and he is ready, able and willing to do it again.

Out of the field of the candidates running in the Republican race, comprising of Gingrich, Romney, Paul, Bachmann, Huntsman and Santorum himself, he (Santorum) stands a better chance of winning the party's nomination, due to his youthful appearance; and also, if he can build on his new momentum and go on to be the winner of the Iowa Caucuses.

It will not be a surprise; because he has been working hard toward it. That is why he is in a strong position in Iowa; and he deserves it.

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