Thursday, December 22, 2011


The current actions of the Congressional Republicans are seen as placing the country's fragile economy in serious jeopardy, and making it difficult for American workers to have the privileges they deserve.

They have been given many chances to step away from blocking the payroll tax cut that President Barack Obama is requesting for American workers; and whose extension is needed, otherwise, the tax burden of the middle class and working people, particularly, will go up as early as January 1st, 2012.

The payroll tax cut favors 160 million Americans; and they will twice be at a loss, if the deadline is allowed to expire at the end of the year. First, they will lose the tax reduction in their pay checks, and second, their taxes will be forced to soar.

The United State Senate has a bipartisan bill on the table for a two month break from the talks to reach a compromise on the payroll tax extension, so as to buffer the limited time that is left for its expiration.

The related discussion for an extension of it (payroll tax cut) for at least one year, as suggested by the White House and agreed upon by a majority in Congress, will then be continued in February of next year.

That will give both parties, Democratic and Republican, a breathing space to regroup and have a chance for a closer look on finding a solution to the issue.

It is now incumbent on the Republican controlled House of Representatives to vote on the Senate bill for the crisis to be held at bay, while Congress is on its Holiday recess.

If that opportunity is to be missed, taxes will go up for millions of workers and the recovery of the economy will be drastically affected.

Now, it looks as if the ball is in the court of Congressional Republicans, to cast a simple up or down vote to alleviate the problem that is facing the country, its workers and its economy.

The scenario now is like Eric Cantor, the majority leader in the House, not being able to swallow his pride, and allowing Speaker Boehner and the whips of the Republican Party members in the House to do their work, to galvanize support for the Senate bill, for it to go through and to get the matter to be resolved.

His, Cantor's, influence has been seen as laying out the rules and guidelines for the Republican Party's policies, during the debt ceiling and deficit reduction talks, as well as the recent deliberations of the Super Committee, both of which have come to nought as a result of that influence.

It seems as through him, the Republicans are asking for another "committee" to be set up to deal with another delicate issue, when there is actually no need for that.

With a majority backing within the Republican caucus, Speaker Boehner now has the chance to go over the authority that Cantor has been wielding all these months in Congress to create stalemates, gridlocks and uncompromising stances, in regard to almost anything that has come before the House.

That will be the only way to break the present impasse on the extension of the payroll tax cut.

The Senate bill will then pass in the House and become law with the signature of the president.

The whole controversy that is threatening every American family's joy during this holiday season will then be averted.

For the tail being allowed to wag the dog in the Republican Party must come to an end; meaning Cantor and the tea party group must be stopped for the country to be really free.

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