Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Americans are having a bellyful of politics lately, with Donald Trump moderating a debate, and meeting with the most off the cuff remark specialist, Newt Gingrich; while Ron Paul, the isolationist of the greatest caliber, raises an objection to such an event.

In the defence of Trump on the attacks from Paul, Newt, who was visiting him (Trump) in his tower in New York City, remarked that Trump was an American icon, a man of enormous talent and an astute businessman, to paraphrase him.

All those attributes were true, except that nobody ever thought that The Trump would take up a moderator's job, which would mean that the spotlight would be on someone else, while he was reduced to just asking the questions.

The debate would be a delight to watch, but most people were thinking that it was just going to be a publicity stunt and nothing more, even though some serious questions would be asked on issues like abortion, immigration and border protection.

However, another side should also be put into perspective, as the campaign season would bring a whole lot of pressure to bear on the health of the individual participants representing the parties.

Gingrich was now the front runner in the Republican Party nomination race, and he was being endorsed by some of the party's favorite people, like Dan Quayle, the former Vice-President, and by Herman Cain, who just opted out as a contestant in the race, due to his sexual related problems.

Now, it looked as if a whole lot of eyes were on Gingrich, while Romney, who was Gingrich's closest rival was also getting some important endorsements; yet, the fact remained that none of the two, if any one of them should win the Republican nomination, would match President Barack Obama in several instances.

In that, the president looked younger than both men, and he seemed to be in the pink, as far as great health was concerned. Though, such news did not come from the White House or his doctors, people could see him as being fit and very energetic.

The 2012 presidential election campaign would demand a great deal of energy to be able to cope with all the activities, from going to meetings to traveling extensively across the length and breath on the nation; and it would not be a surprise if the president should take the first prize.

In other words, it was not going to be just a political contest, it was also more likely to be the survival of the fittest, and if it should come to that, Gingrich would stand to lose, as his weight has caused some political pundits to worry.

Romney, on the other hand, has trimmed down or has been able to maintain his stature over the years, but his age was far too much above that of the president; and the battle that the two men would be engaging in would be fast and furious, if not utterly gruesome, to say the least. The question then would be, could he (Romney) handle the pace of the race?

Nobody was drawing a picture that would spell a disaster of any kind; or forecasting any type of doom. Yet, let us hope that all the candidates would be in good health in the coming year, and be able to face the arduous tasks of running a successful campaign, in each case.

For any of them who should win must be physically healthy, to carry out his duties as effectively as possible, for the country's sake.

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