Wednesday, December 28, 2011


It was not long ago that President Barack Obama signed a bill, which provided tax credits to companies putting veterans back to work (Nov. 21st. 2011).

He has been going round the country stressing on the issue that those coming home from oversea after serving in the military should find work immediately or that they have to be given training by companies that needed to increase their trained or skilled staff.

"The legislation, which creates tax breaks for companies that hire jobless veterans, marks the first proposal from Obama's $446 billion jobs bill to be signed into law. The rest of the package of new taxes and spending has largely failed to garner support from Republican lawmakers." a news report said (11/21/11).

Yet, in today's Fox News, another headline appeared as "New Plan to Help Vets Find Work After War", and that the plan was being sponsored by another Democrat from Colorado, Sen. Michael Bennet.

His emphasis was on veterans coming home from overseas at a time when employment was very scarce in the country, the rate of unemployment was at 8.6%; however, the article was making it to look as if the initiative of getting jobs for veterans was the Senator's idea.

It made one to wonder whether there was unity in the Democratic Party, or cohesion among its liberals and moderates.

"Our troops are coming home and we need to be ready," Sen. Michael Bennet had said. "He has proposed legislation to create a National Veterans Foundation that would operate much like the National Parks Foundation already does.", the Fox News article continued.

Well, that made confusing reading, that the media, or a section of them, found it too hard to give credit to Obama in person, and his administration in particular, for anything worthwhile that he has proposed during his tenure of office as president.

On the issue of veterans needing work to enable them to assimilate into "a wider society or culture", the president has already signed a law that granted employers an incentive to hire those, who were coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan.

It was, therefore, more than interesting to notice that a Democratic Senator was being placed ahead of the president of the United States as having more concern for veterans, although his plan was similar, it was not more aggressive than that of the president.

The television channel of Fox News has programs that were specifically designed to berate Obama, and to discredit every effort that he was making to make his administration viable to the American people.

It would be hopeless to name those programs, but their aims have been misplaced, because many citizens have been aware that he (Obama) has inherited a difficult economic situation, right from the start, caused by two wars, one of which he has been able to bring to an end.

The other one was still being fought; and there too, he was putting so much effort into getting the opposing side to come to the table for peace talks, through diplomatic negotiations.

So, the public would see how that particular TV channel was doing all it could to "blacken - slander - defame - vilify - asperse - malign," Obama; but would that be fair, especially when he was running for reelection in 2012?

Journalists were supposed to be objective in dealing with topics that would affect the lives of millions of people, and the next general election would be just that. It would be pivotal in deciding in which direction the country should go.

The Democrats were moving toward a society that would "level the playing field" for everyone, while the Republicans wanted the status quo to continue; where the rich got richer, and the poor was left to fend for themselves. The financial freedom on Wall Street and other such places to be optimized, while others suffered. The 1% Vs 99% ideology to go on unabated.

The two scenarios were as different as day and night, and so people must have the opportunity to decide which one of the two would be better for the country to choose.

Therefore, if some of the media chose to be impartial and sided with one political party against another, it would only be doing a great disservice to the future of the country.

Many were saying in anticipation that in the forthcoming general election, let the people decide; and not the talking heads on television.

It would seem as if the media stood to gain enormously from social upheavals and demonstrations, some of which were awful disturbances and destructive to society as a whole (hey, not Occupy Wall Street, please.); however, that was not what the general public wanted.

In fact, what life should be about was fairness for all.

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