Tuesday, September 8, 2009


It was true that the "Green Jobs" czar's resignation, and the firestorm controversy surrounding it, was not reported by major news outlets, like the New York Times and the Washington Post, and they were being blamed by FOX News channel for not doing so.

As far as Mr. Van Jones was concerned, FOX News spent some two full weeks maligning him and making pronouncements about statements and remarks he has made in the past; and then decrying the fact that President Obama was having a self-avowed Marxist and Communist Socialists with him in the White House.

However, the WH denied the allegation and said that Mr. Van Jones was hired to be a member of the Council on Environmental Quality, only because of his expertise in the area of environmental issues, and that made him a better and qualified candidate for the job.

His profile was checked through a vetting system that cleared him to accept the appointment. He was a skillful employee and that he was not brought in through the backdoor or stealthily ushered into the White House under sinister circumstances. Yet, FOX News contributors, "anchors" and commentators saw red; and with the help a few political henchmen from both parties, they practically forced him to resign.

So, what was the complaint about, that "major news outlets" did not report the story? It would be anybody's guess, but they might have had something better to do, as reporting on the Health Care Reform, and whether the "Public Option" proposition should be part of it.

To many Americans, it was a vital aspect of the health care proposals being nationally discussed presently; and so, ABC, NBC and CBS, with other popular newspapers were rightfully spending their time and energy on that discussion as a whole; rather than to join in the conspicuous "lynching" of a man, for the mere fact that he had said certain things in the past.

We all do; newspaper reporters and television personalities do say stupid things most of the time.

However, there has been so much hypocrisy on the part of those who have been critical in maligning Mr. Van Jones and causing his ouster; and they should be ashamed of themselves. Their conduct should be seen as undesirable during the past few weeks; and though, like them, many of us were not proud of Mr. Van Jones' utterances and actions, but we would not go to the extent of forcing him out of his job.

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