Tuesday, September 1, 2009


General Jim Jones (Ret), the National Security Adviser to the Obama government disclosed in an exclusive interview with ABC News that President Obama was having "greater success taking terrorists out of commission than Bush did"; although he did not provide any empirical or conclusive proof of his statement.

He was responding to former Vice-President Dick Cheney's remarks last Sunday morning, when he appeared in a segment of FOX News Sunday program with Chris Wallace. Mr. Cheney had commented among other things that, he had "serious doubts" about the extent to which President Obama "understands and is prepared to do what needs to done to defend the nation."

His assertions were based on Attorney General Mr. Eric Holder's decision to conduct "preliminary" investigations on some CIA personnel who had broken the law or had gone overboard in their interrogation of terror suspects during the Bush administration. He had said that some of those interrogation techniques had forced suspects as September 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to give information that, in his view, helped save American lives, after that attack.

Gen. Jones, on the other hand, had argued that he "couldn't provide any definitive answer as to whether, as Cheney argues, any detainees who were interrogated using methods President Obama has banned -- ones that qualify as torture under international law -- provided information they would not have offered using other methods". What?

He continued by saying that, "I haven't seen any compelling evidence that would argue because somebody was subjected to enhanced techniques that there was a revelation that we wouldn't have had"......"but it is very hard to prove the negative on this."; which literally meant that the former VP's assertions were pure conjecture.

The general said that the new approach by the administration on the issue of terrorism was working better, with the co-operation of international law enforcement agencies and America's allies; and that Mohammed's confessions, after being water boarded dozens of times, were lies, "He himself admitted that in order to get them to stop doing it, he lied.", the general added. Which also meant that the CIA enhanced techniques never worked. Yet, and almost at the same time, he admitted that he was not sure, whether they did or not, as he had said before.

In other words, he would rather believe Mohammed, a terrorist who had engineered the 9/11 attack, a ferocious and unprovoked one (attack), on the U.S. mainland than Mr. Cheney, who had all the facts at his disposal, at the time when the country was under (fire) that attack.

However, we all knew what Mr. Cheney's main complaint was, that investigating CIA operatives from the past would damage the morale of the people who presently worked in the agency; and that the Obama administration must stop politicizing an issue that had already been dealt with by career and independent lawyers in the same Department of Justice long ago, and it was being "resurrected" by Mr. Holder; thus by so doing, finding a flimsy way to bring it back again.

As for the general, he had to make those comments to Jake Tapper of ABC News, just to counter-balance what was the obvious, that the administration had done nothing to seriously affect the plans of Al Qaeda and those who meant to do harm to America.

Nevertheless, a great number of people knew that the country was still basking in the peaceful atmosphere created by former President W. Bush and his mate, Mr. Dick Cheney, after the awful September 9/11 attack. Any "nonchalant" attitude on the part of the present government, with respect to the nation's security, therefore, would not suffice.

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