Friday, September 18, 2009


It is true that racism in American society is a "historically fervent" reality; there is no doubt about that; and Congressman Joe Wilson may have had racial motives to be the basis of his reaction to President Obama's Health Care reform speech; but there is no need for former President Jimmy Carter to bring it up once again, at this present time.

His intentions may be good to say that Mr. Wilson's demeanor is based on his racial feelings; and that the Townhall meetings and "Tea Parties" going on around the country may be froth with racial biases. All these are facts, judging from the unusually strange behavioral attitudes of many of the participants; however, awkward gestures do not mean that the whole situation is racially motivated.

It may be true that some people are there for reasons which have nothing to do with race, and yet, others are also there to exhibit some kind of fears, which may have something to do with the fact that the nation now has an African-American leader or President; that sentiment cannot be ruled out, of course.

They find it hard to accept it, but it has already happened, and there is nothing they can do to change the outcome of the last Presidential election until the next presidential election season. That time is not here yet; so, they may be advised to "hold their horses" for the time being.

Former President Jimmy Carter was reminiscing on the assumption that, most people were horrified by Mr. Joe Wilson's nefarious outburst the other day, when President Obama was giving his speech to a joint session of Congress on his health care proposals; and he (Carter) had every right to call attention to what others might have felt of Mr. Wilson's abrupt and surprising action as having some racial connotations.

The reactions to Mr. Wilson's behavior could have been seen to be on racial lines; but that was only a perception. There was no real proof of it; and also such reactions might have varied. It was a risky thing that he did, and every decent person should regret it.

Yet, if race, however inadvertently, was dragged into present conditions, when Congress itself was skittishly nervous about which plan to even consider; the Obama plan, the Baucus plan, and so many other plans to choose from; it would make things rather worse. It must be admitted, though, that tempers were running high; they must be cooled rather than inflamed, otherwise the resultant backlash could be unsustainable. People were obviously at their wits end.

The nation was in a time, when even the news headlines were so confusing; such as "More Fights Ahead in Congress Over Health Care", "Congress Targets ACORN in a Bipartisan Way", etc.; all indicating that the country was facing a difficult period; and therefore, people like the Former President should be extremely mindful of what they say, in order not to exacerbate an already bad situation.

Invoking racism into American politics right now would be disastrous. It (racism) was intolerable, and it must be declared a felony. That would certainly put a whole lot of people in jeopardy, if they were racists.

So please, Fmr. President Jimmy Carter, toning down your rhetorical statements, at this particular juncture, would more than help an already divided nation

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