Monday, September 14, 2009


The idea that the Obama Speech did not change many minds, by the media headlines, was not fair; though, they knew that the odds were 10 to 1 against him on the very outset. The Insurance companies had put up a stiff campaign against his plan; and they had done all that behind the scenes. The so called "tea party" meetings and gatherings, as well as the opposing commercials on television and the insidious radio announcements, were all organized by them.
Those were craftily put together by the Insurance companies themselves.

They also had the support of those politicians who would never allow a government take over of private industry, especially, one like Health Care insurance; and so, there was no way that President Obama could change any minds in the House chamber and in the country with a well prepared speech, even as that was.

Most Americans were in agreement that a health care reform was necessary. It was a situation that needed to be fixed; but any plan with the slightest hint of government involvement was unacceptable. In other words, the Insurance companies preferred the status quo, with a few or no changes at all; and they were able to get the public on their side.

President Obama's health care reform was not something that everybody would be happy with; yet, his detractors were one step ahead of him, each time he took one forward. Also, what helped them was the fact that there was no consensus in his own party to decide whether or not those who were opposing the Obama health care reform were doing so purely for political reasons.

Public Option would allow illegal aliens to have free access to health care; and abortions would be rampant, were some of the excuses that the anti-reform faction presented at the "tea party" gatherings; and the President missed the chance to put the minds of many people at ease, by quite seriously addressing the two issues, particularly the abortion part, during the speech, because he has publicly said that he was against it.

Now, he has his back against the wall; and it would take more than just being a charismatic figure, as he was, to come out of the corner that the opposition has cleverly managed to get him into; it would take a genius. Buck up, Mr. President.

P.S. "The Obama Speech No Game Changer", is not apropos, media.
P.P.S. This blog is vehemently opposed to abortion and illegal aliens gaining access to health care in this country. (He did just about touch on the "illegal aliens" part).

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