Thursday, September 24, 2009


The United Nations General Assembly meeting in New York this week will be presented with many speeches composed, as well as comprising, of many ideas and suggestions that will sound plausible on the surface; but what the world really needs is action and not just mere words.

Poverty and disease in poor countries must seriously come under the scrutiny of richer and developed nations, helping them to use modern technology to combat those problems through health and other programs that work.

For example, clean and healthy water usage needed proper methods of purification, such as making it possible to transform rivers and lakes to become drinkable, and not just the drilling of wells, which supplied small communities only.

This should be done on larger scale in areas of large communities, to cater to their size and population, with more tap water outlets in market places, school compounds and homes that were closer to those sources (rivers and lakes).

Foreign aid must be used to construct feeder roads to bring food from farms to where the people needed it; hospitals and the training of doctors and nurses should be made available wherever necessary; housing with inside plumbing, not only in the cities and towns, but in the villages as well.

Planning for better economies in which natural resources could be transported to local factories or exported to industries overseas, where they were manufactured into products that could fetch better prices all over the world, to bring even more revenue to governments, to add to the foreign aid that they already received from the United States, Germany and Britain, in order to carry out more viable developments to eradicate the extreme poverty and disease that existed in those countries; Haiti or Bangladesh, for example, respectively.

All types of technical help; of engineers, analysts, management personnel, field and community organizers, etc., must be sent on secondment to those countries, making the training of locals (people) the focal point of programs in areas where that was possible, so that there would be no shortage of man-power. Or where the expatriates had to leave for any reason, there would be capable personnel to replace them.

Governments should be encouraged to hire experts to oversee public works departments that they (governments) should have, to maintain facilities that required trained expertise. Those departments should be firmly established by law, under the management of the educated elite members drawn from all the communities. Churches and Colleges, if there were any, were usually the sources that provided such members for those management positions to serve in purposes that would assist their own communities to thrive socially and economically; and they should be approached to play their part in any possible role that would enrich the lives of those communities.

If resolutions of those kinds were initiated and passed by members of the U.N.; and nobody was saying that efforts of that nature have not been made before, but they usually failed; however, there was still acute poverty and pandemic disease "proliferation" in existence in most places; and so, practical help to secure and to hold them at bay must continue; and therefore it (U.N.) should not give up on them.

It should also count on forcing individual governments to follow strict sets of rules in the disbursement of foreign and other financial aid, particularly warning them against graft, bribery and corruption, or any such assistance would be curtailed.

Helping poor nations through pragmatic programs and education would go a long way to eleminate poverty in our world. The Organization must dedicate itself to that cause.

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