Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Health care for every American continues to occupy center stage. It has been the most crucial issue of our day for President Obama to be addressing a joint session of Congress of a plan that would ensure that all factions to the problem were satisfied, through a compromise approach; or there would still be a broken system which needed to be fixed, even after he had given his speech on the topic.

So many versions to overhauling health care in America have been suggested by numerous sources, and no agreement of any kind has been reached after lawmakers have presented their case on all individual plans that they found to be feasible; but discovered none that would encourage those who were afraid of one type of plan or the other to be open minded and rescind on their own original kinds of plans, so as to bring some semblance of compromise that would settle the matter once and for all.

That was what everybody should be doing, by using critical thinking to sift through all the ideas that would produce a reasonable settlement for all to share in, rather than each and everyone having his or her own way, be they Congressional men and women, party representatives, insurance company spokespersons or whoever was at variance with any part or parts of all the plans that have been strewn before the public.

Genuine efforts were being made to have, not one specific health care plan, but a conglomerate of plans put together to give the nation a plausible chance to really reform the health care system as it existed now. It was not a fair one; it has flaws and pitfalls; it has outdated rules and regulations, and it was blemished with serious and bludgeoned high costs that would not allow the fifty million or so people to be covered; and so it needed to be reformed.

President Obama must show leadership tonight, and propose a tangible insight into how a correct and permanent solution can be found, on a bipartisan basis, to ensure a fruitful result that will go a long way to remedy the ills of the present health care system. It must not be just a normal speech, but one that has responses and answers to expiate past errors that have been used to strangle a system that is supposed to serve the health needs of all Americans.

By doing so, he will undoubtedly bring relief to the minds of many people and put his critics to shame. In other words, he must insist on a Health Care Insurance coverage for all or nothing.

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