Tuesday, September 22, 2009


A taping of the Late Night Show that will be showing on Monday, featuring President Obama and, quite obviously, the show's host, David Letterman, is today's topic.
The show itself is not what this piece of writing is about; it is the heading of an article on it that appeared on FOX News website, which is so laughable.

Nobody had any qualms with any type of a heading, when it appeared on a private page or website, but a rare one must be spoken about.

It was, "I was black", which was part of an answer the President gave Letterman on whether his presidency was being affected by racism. However, Letterman did not understand the answer. In essence, the president was saying that the position of the Presidency was not created for any one race. He also meant that there was a vote, and he won it. So, Letterman should "shove" his questions on racism.

The racists in the country should therefore forget about their sinister thoughts. They should also know that racism was the reason why the "freedom" that America purported to have has no real meaning. It was just an empty word, which became dirty, when questions of the nature Letterman was asking were posed anywhere.

Many people did not vote for Obama; but at the same token, others did. That should end "the story", at least for the time being, instead of going on about the president's race.

That did not indicate that former President Jimmy Carter misspoke the other day, when he said that the Obama Health Care proposals were being objected to by many Americans because of his (Obama's) race. He was just making plain of the sentiment being carried around by a great number of people; however, that (sentiment) should not be allowed to influence public policy in the country.

He was attempting to advise his own countrymen and women that it would be a very bad precedent to make decisions based on abstract sentiments, especially on issues of national interest. He was right.

The picture of "Townhall Meetings" and "Tea Party" gatherings, if they were racially motivated, did not bid well for America's reputation abroad. Outsiders were envious of the liberty that America was supposed to stand for. "The land of the free" was a notion that every nation on earth hoped for; but it has singularly been given to just one nation, AMERICA, by fate. Its people should be proud and honor such a great accolade, than to make "mince meat" of it by being racist.

"Don't throw away what has been been bestowed on you, if it was good", happened to be the title of an old negro song.

David Letterman's question was racist, to say the least; and therefore he should tone down his rhetoric on and about race, or he would be called a racist himself; and he would only be inviting trouble for his show.

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