Friday, September 11, 2009

SEPTEMBER 11, 2001.

September 11, 2001, like Pearl Harbor, will be remembered as a "day in infamy". It was the day that the United States became fully aware that it had grave enemies in modern times, by the attacks on the mainland; and therefore, it must be vigilant; and with all sincerity, be ready to protect and defend itself "by any means necessary".

The Bush administration made it a point to go after those who had perpetrated the attacks, be they nations, terrorist groups or individuals. Those attacks were intentional and unprovoked; and the nation would remain in shock for many months that followed.

The effects of that evil act of twenty Arab nationalities were countless. The whole economy was jarred to the point of nearly bringing America to a standstill; the Intelligence community was in disarray; the Defense Department could not make any move to respond militarily, because nobody in the government actually knew or could make any sense of what was happening; and there was commotion everywhere.

Washington D.C. and New York City; two major cities in the country; one being the Capital of the United States, and the other, the most recognized venue for international trade and commerce, the World Trade Center, have suffered such tragedy as never before.

The Pentagon itself, the military Headquarters of all the defense forces of the nation, was consumed in smoke and fire; and the two magnificent towers of the World Trade Center would instantly collapse. They looked so powerful to be coming down, but they did fall.

Several people were killed that day at those two places; and there were other people on one of the four planes that were hijacked to commit those atrocious attacks; they also perished. The whole nation could only respond in grief, as many lives and dreams of its citizens were shattered right before a world audience, on television news and in radio broadcasts. The agony of many Americans was showing in their faces, as that moment (of those attacks) was too hard to bear.

America did not fall; it has lived through pain and hardship for eight long years, and by what terrorists did on that day, and has survived; but the nation will never forget. GOD bless.

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