Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Everyone is discussing Kanye West this morning for what he did at the VMAs awards ceremony the other night. People are clamoring about the incident, and sympathizing with Ms.Taylor Swift for suffering what they will passionately describe as a public disgrace perpetrated on her by Mr. West.

All the television networks have been agog with what a juicy piece of news that is, concerning the person of Mr. West; something that they have every right to do. However, their attitude must be looked upon as being hypocritical, because they (networks) always expect something like that to happen, and many people are surprised about their reaction to the incident.

Majority of people would side with Ms. Swift, because it was supposed to be "her night"; and when that interruption occurred, she was completely taken aback. She was naturally miffed; however, she gracefully continued and accepted her award.

Mr. Kanye West has since apologized twice for what he himself described as "a mistake", and promised that it would not happen again; yet, what he did was not wrong, because he did it, but it was wrong for a time, when racial motives were to be put aside to allow Americans to become unified in meeting the numerous challenges that they now faced.

"Acorn", Townhall meetings and "Tea Parties"; they have all become the dividing factors between groups of people, and even between individuals, on racial lines. The political atmosphere in the country was strained so much so that, seeing a member of one race showing what could only be deemed as disrespectful to a member of another race exacerbated the situation even farther. Mr. West's action needed to be condemned by every decent person, no matter what race he or she belonged to. It was racially motivated; an unacceptable public exhibition that should not be tolorated, particularly at the present time; and not to mention Congressman Joe Wilson's outburst of "You lie" to the President of the United States, Mr. Obama.

Mr. West, himself, has admitted that "it was rude, period", in an interview with Jay Leno on his (Leno's) NBC show. He continued by saying that, he needed to take some time off to reflect.
"I need to, after this, take some time off and analyze how I'm going to improve. If there's anything I could do to help Taylor in the future or help anyone, I'd like to.", he had said.

He should also not forget to call himself a "Jackass".

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