Monday, October 3, 2011


It was a fact that America has become a little settled back into a comfort zone in recent years than it was seen only a few decades gone by.

The toughness of its people was draining out, but the strength to sum up courage and triumph over adversity was still showing, for example, in tackling Islamic jihad-ism around the world.

September 11th, 2001 attacks on Washington D.C. and New York City, had stemmed from the idea that America was becoming weak and more inward looking, since the end of World War 2.

Terrorism has engulfed Europe, such as the Madrid train bombing that killed several travellers, the Bali terrorist attacks in 2002 and 2005; the cause of those acts (terrorism) was from religious fanaticism, which was loose in European cities and towns, as well as in other parts of the world.

It would reach the United States in 2001, and although the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993 was a precursor of global terror, America kept its head down in the sand, until the 2001 attacks.

Then it sprang into action to deal with Saddam Hussein in Iraq and also with the attackers, whose base was in Afghanistan, and led by Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda terror network. However, that was just beside the point.

On economic side, the outsourcing of manufacturing goods, such as cars and computer technology, to the far east, was sifting power to places like China and India, and thus weakening the home economy and giving way to high unemployment levels, which America was not used to; and so, they warranted commentary.

President Barack Obama's comment of a "great country that had gotten a little soft," was deliberate, and it was to incite to get America up and moving again, in terms of economic innovation and engineering inventiveness.

Those were awesome features that placed it (America) ahead in the world, as the leader in trade and commerce. Where did all that go?

The largest world economy, was in near recession, and it was yielding to lesser economies; or all its prowess seemed to be disappearing to far away countries in recent years, and extending over four or five decades ago, of course.

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What attracted many people to the U.S. were its culture in music, especially jazz, religion and education; but the shadows or skeletal remains or traces of those prominent qualities seemed to be prevailing nowadays.

That depleting sentiment was expressed in disgust by those, who have emigrated to the country between 1946 and 1972. They were seeing it in a different frame; that America has drastically changed, from being resilient to being mediocrity-in-progress.

Apart from its racist impediments for blacks, America was a good country to settle in. The civil rights movement and its result brought people to respect Americans, that things could change for the better, racially; to enable all manner of people to come here, irrespective of their social, political and economic backgrounds; plus color or creed could not distract any persons from becoming contributing citizens.

However, it seemed that all of the true Americans were gone, except perhaps Andy Rooney and Morley Safer; and the country was becoming barren with the ingenuity of old. The present day citizen was a fluke example of those that have built its enormous power, which was enviable by all nations across the world.

Politically, there were those, who would put partisan or party loyalty before anything else; and would make it extraordinarily impossible for laws that would help a strained economy to be put back on track. Such as the "America Jobs Act" by President Obama.

The only target for them was to dislodge the first African American president from office. They were too inward looking, as in Jim Crow days; and too busy in vilifying a black person, because he has risen to the highest political status in the nation.

If that did not demonstrate a kind of softness in their character toward others, then what did? Going back to measuring people by the color of their skin should be a thing of the past.

Yet, working hard to bring peace and harmony, and to push an economy in a ditch out, for others to find work and to achieve a dignified living for themselves and their families; should not be stopped by any one, in any way, shape or form.

To many, that was the "soft" President Obama was commenting on. It was a character flaw in many present day Americans, which needed commenting on.

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