Wednesday, October 26, 2011


When one looks at President Barack Obama's approval rating, it smacks of bias from the pollster organizations and media pundits. It stands at 43% (approve) to 51% (disapprove), and that tells one how the polls questionnaires are compiled.

They are compiled with answers in advance, which is a wrong way to start; because they can be loaded against the president, even before they (questionnaires) go out; and that is too bad.

Suffice it to say that the polls are conducted fairly, and that the questionnaires happen to be specific for a broad section of the people polled to understand and to shy away from political prejudice in answering them truthfully, the "approve" percentage will certainly be higher.

Questions like, "Did the Arab spring affect gas and oil prices, and if so, could the government do anything to stabilize them (prices)?" or "Was the slumped economy caused by government policies or by the two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?" or "Could the high unemployment rate be averted, if the government had succumbed to pressure to reduce business regulations?" or "Could actions from Wall Street bring about unemployment; and if so, what could the government do to handle the situation?"; are answered correctly, they can sway public opinion to Obama's side, in that they are true.

However, questions like, "Has Obama's policies been responsible for the slow growth of the economy?" or "Would Obama's policies be good for business?" or "Is the business world happy with Obama's policies?". Such questions can be considered as biased, particularly, if they are directed to the people in the stock exchange markets, the rich and the affluent. They (questions) are tilted or slanted, to say the least, to give the president wrong marks.

Besides, nobody has had any of the pollsters approaching him or her with questions that the main stream media have not expressed their own opinion on. It is like asking somebody about whether next year's presidential election will be dominated by issues of job creation and unemployment.

Of course it will; as the answer will be quite obvious, because all the candidates allegedly are experts in creating jobs. They all have plans to get the U.S. economy back on track.

Yet, the truth is that politicians are known to make promises that they cannot keep, when they are voted into office; and the reason being that voters have been influenced by what the media outlets and polls have concocted for them. Putting it another way, voters have had "the press" dictating to them. They (voters) have been spoon fed by the media and its allies.

Obama has reined in several of the ardent enemies of the United States and has gotten rid of them; and he has fought in a war that has no casualties. as far as the nation's military personnel is concerned.

Osama bin Laden, Anwar al-Awlaki; and the latest is one of the most notorious radicals the world has ever seen, Muammar Gadhafi, have all met their fate; but the question is, has any media or pollster organization so far come out with any statistics or figures to show that these aforementioned people are no more alive to disturb the peace for America, because of Obama's foreign policy?

Al Qaeda has been rendered ineffective, and that group is now without a strong leader. Its organizational abilities have dwindled and its power has become miniscule (minuscule) in the Arab world; yet, who gets any credit for all that? Nobody?

Where are those vociferous media pundits and news contributors? Cat cut their tongues? Don' they see what is going on?

Everybody thinks that is what they are supposed to comment on, for their daily bread. What ever happened to their educated opinions? Where are the smartypants commentators? Are they afraid to ask relevant questions, because the president's approval rating will change or even soar?

Imagine if all that have happened on any other president's watch; the adulation and praise that he or she would get.

Yet, nothing for Obama? Come on, pollsters and media pundits. Do your job the right way, please.

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