Friday, October 21, 2011


It was President George W. Bush, who started the trend that dictators must go. It was not Reagan or even his father, G.W. Bush; although, he was the one who removed Noriega of Panama, unilaterally, from power.

W. Bush had it right, by going through the U.N. to get rid of Saddam Hussein, and thus making the Middle East a little bit safer, and also to redeem the rest of the world from the clutches of a deadly tyrant in Iraq, who made it his business to threaten world peace.

President Barack Obama has followed in his footsteps to extrapolate that part of the United States foreign policy, which wanted freedom for all mankind. He took action, as the hold that Muammar Gadhafi had on the people of Libya, had enslaved them to the detriment of human dignity.

Though, he and W. Bush were on the opposite sides of the political aisle; yet, they have achieved the same goal for humanity, that all men (and women), no matter where they lived, must be free.

If the U.S. would continue with this exceptional feature in its foreign policy, there would be no dictator left in the world, and any person, who aspired to impose fear on any people would think twice.

The example that these two world leaders have set, would deter anyone from becoming a dictator. Putting it another way, there would be no more dictatorships anywhere in the world.

Gadhafi was such a dictator, who was gradually dragging the world into some kind of a major world crisis, conflict or catastrophe, had he been left alone to his own devises. However, he was stopped in the nick of time by the military might and power of the U.S. and its allies in NATO.

Therefore, leaders in places like Syria and Iran must take heed, that they could be next in line to succumb to that power. It was not there for the sake of being there; it was a protective power for the defenseless and the weak.

It has been set up, as an insurance for peace and tranquility around the world, and its credit must go to those two politically incongruous men, W. Bush and Barack Obama. They have made their mark in the book of human history forever.

They have taken a stand on a noble cause for all mankind, that tyranny has no value, as it debased human life, and kept whole nations from achieving the best in life for their citizens; which meant that, if any people were deprived of their liberty, life would not be worth living for all who lived on the earth.

America was not made to police the world, as some people would say; but without its influence in global affairs, the world would be a bedlam. People would be in fear wherever they went.

It has become the hope for human existence; for men and women to enjoy the rights that nature itself has put in place, that even animals should move around, eat, drink and breathe freely, and so should all human beings. They should be in full control of their own destiny, under pluralistic acceptable laws.

Again, Gadhafi's departure, and how it happened, should therefore be a deterrent to future despots, as that military power and might would be unleashed on them, even if they tried to be unreasonable, as despots always were, in the suppression of their own people; and they (despots) would surely know that, freedom denied to some, was freedom denied to all.

Bravo, America.

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