Friday, October 28, 2011


Senator Marco Rubio's anecdote about his background seems to be causing so much political hoopla in the campaign for next year's presidential election.

It is rather unfortunate that he has made some statements that do not align with his parents exile to the United States from Cuba. Dates of arrival by them have been mixed up, and so on, and so forth. Those remarks are obviously lacking credibility; hence, the hullabaloo.

However, whether the parents did so prior to Castro taking over their country or during the days of Batista, what difference would that make, if he himself has fought so hard to reach a high level in American politics.

Of course, his story happens to be important, as people will look at it to trace his ancestry, or as a gauge for their own personal ambitions, and they will say that, "If Marco Rubio can do it, so can I." He has managed to be a role model.

Aside from the origins of his parents, he has carved a name for himself, as one of the youngest Senators in history, and a very influential one at that too. His constituency is mainly Hispanic; but he has been able to command the respect of the Republican Party membership as a whole, for it to be considering him as its Vice-presidential candidate for 2012.

Yet, the question is, does he have the experience to fit into those shoes? Or, is it not that a person belongs to a particular ethnic group and therefore he or she can be relied on to maneuver to get its (group's) members to follow a certain political party?

If that is the case, then it can mean that the people that are being corralled as sheep into becoming members of a particular party, or who are being directed to vote one way or another, cannot think for themselves. They are a bunch of individual ingrates that are misunderstanding, and so misusing, the freedom that America offers through the ballot box or the VOTE.

The Second Amendment, which is part of the United States Bill Of Rights, or the Constitution, gives all persons the liberty to act of their own accord in making decisions that affect their lives. They must do so for themselves, and not to allow anyone to lead them by the nose.

To permit that liberty to be taken away will be showing how moronic and idiotic any person can be, for giving somebody else the power to control the innermost emotions that person has.

Many are forced to think that Marco Rubio is being used by others for political reasons, other than himself wanting to rise and be recognized in society; and again, the question of whether he is ready for the position of the nation's second highest office or not does not matter, refers to how nonchalant some people are, when it comes to the political state of affairs in the country.

"He will sway the Latino vote to the Republican side; so go get him," will be what those behind the idea of him ushering all Cuban exiles into voting for the party to which he belongs will say. "All we want is to get Obama out of the White House," they will add.

If politics is heading toward groups of people voting wholesale, just because someone is telling them what to do, then America is on a dangerous path to nowhere in the future.

The country will become more divisive than ever, when ethnic groups will vote on the dictates of group leaders, and not on their own beliefs or individual conscience.

Many are fearful that, if that happens, the Bill of rights that they cherish so much will be of no use.

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