Saturday, October 29, 2011


Conventional wisdom suggests that businessman Herman Cain is becoming problematic. He is up in the polls, and has gotten the Republican Party field of candidates all in a twist; and something must be done about that.

He has also confused those who matter most in the party, that he is not the material that is really appealing for any nomination; no, not for the Grand Old Party, except perhaps, for a pizza pie order counter.

He himself must admit that, with the cigarette puffing campaign advert by his campaign manager going viral, his chances have dwindled to about 10%, with respect to some of the Republican National Committee members, who happen to be giving him some consideration for the nomination.

Now, they were waiting to give him "a piece of their mind". The opportunity has not come as yet.

Though Cain has visited kingmaker Donald Trump in New York City, there has been no indication that "the Donald" has taken him seriously as a strong candidate, nationwide.

He did not even have a photo-op with Cain, given that he has had a spell in a Times Square restaurant with Sarah Palin, and the publicity was not a media event, it was neither short of being grandiose, when the former governor of Alaska was not even running in the race. Nothing of that sort has happened with Cain.

The smoking advert has become anathematic, and has incensed the sensibilities of many people who thought that Herman Cain's Christian background gave him a little bit of support by those who shared his faith, but now, that has also dissipated.

His lead in the polls was becoming a sham; and he could not carry it anywhere with him apart from the campaign trail.

"....Mr. Cain is not a “serious” candidate; the polls say that he’s leading the Republican field. Conflict! Particularly if Mr. Cain wins, Aaron Sorkin could make a good movie about it." and again, " Cain’s lack of traditional experience or credentials, would put his chances at more like 10 or 15 percent." (Ben Smith, Politico. 10/29/11).

Herman Cain is a grown man with conservative ideals; but for a stint or two in the civil rights era, nobody has heard of him, or doing anything for the African American (he prefers the word "black") community.

Employing a few of them in his pancake business does not make him a job creating giant as he is projecting himself to be. Managing a "raw" enterprise, such as his, is doing the same things everyday. It is too far from being the President of the United States.

In his environment, there was flour and tomatoes to think about, while on the other hand, a president read official reports from around the world each morning, besides dealing with an obnoxious U.S. Congress; as the one in existence today. The two positions were intellectually far apart.

Bringing his market kind of talking to the campaign, Cain has endeared himself to the common folk in his party, but not the intellectuals; as his style was something completely new to the membership as a whole. The straight talk was the basis of his appeal.

In other words, Herman Cain happened to be a curio; and that was his attraction and nothing else.

His party did not aspire for someone, who was too blunt in his messaging or communication, because that did not fit the mode of a president of a country; and for that matter, any country, let alone the United States of America.

The curiosity that people had of him, had catapulted him to where he found himself in the local and on or after-debate polls; but nationally, he was behind Mitt Romney, the person, who was speculatively hinted to win the Republican Party's nomination.

America needs a president; not a joker; or even a curio.

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