Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Sharp speaking and strong talking Roseanne Barr is on the prowl again; and it is no surprising that she is asking for the heads of bankers, who cannot live on $100 million dollars at a time.

They should be reeducated in a rehab camp, and if that was not successful, then they should face death by the guillotine; she has said. (Fox News, 11/12/11).

That would be the ultimate solution to the nation's fiscal problems; and how extreme that could be; some would say.

However, would there ever be a solution for the poor and the middle class people to overtake the rich in any effective way, since the (crap) dice was always loaded against them; and also, particularly, if the shenanigan in the corporate world went on unabated?

No one would ever think that would happen; meaning the cutting off the heads of guilty bankers; however, she has a case for standing up against corporate greed on Wall Street and elsewhere in the country, and in fact, in the whole world, where CEOs and executives of financial institutions and banks were earning huge sums of money, in pay and bonuses, from the sweat of the middle class and working people.

That was happening everywhere, in all fields of endeavor in which people would get up each day to spend their lives just for subsistence money, to be able to take care of themselves and their families. Millions of people were doing so each and every single hour.

If that did not change, then there would always be a disparity in the earnings of wages and salaries in the workplace; and as such, the woes of the majority of people would continue to be the same or even deteriorate farther for many years to come..

For example, to earn a living of say $50,000 a year for a family of four in today's economy is living on the edge of disaster. It is like hell, because there is never enough to cater to the needs of the children or adolescents in the household.

For food alone takes half of that amount, and then consider what must be covered, like expenses on transportation and other peripheral necessities. There is nothing left at the end of the day, not even a dime for emergencies.

Yet, parents and their children continue to live in that scenario everyday around the world, while some fat cats residing in that same world are walking on money in their opulent apartments and mansions, some in the city and some on the outskirts of town.

This is what the Occupy Wall Street is all about. The greed of 1% versus the basic needs of the other 99% of the population.

Roseanne has been there before, and so she knows what she is talking about, that to have a need for any family is heart wrenching, when the resources or incomes are battered and depleted by overwhelming amount of expenditure. For budgeting on a small amount of $50,000 or less, for a family of four, as many people are likely to face in their everyday living, nothing prosperous can ever be achieved. Only suffering and heartache.

She has also been rich; and she surmises that if the devil's economic system in the world today is allowed to prevail, everybody will prefer Iran, or some crazy entity to have the nuclear bomb and destroy us all.

That is how dissatisfied the world is; for the "end" (of the world) must come, instead of abject poverty for 99% of the people.

As she sees it, the idea of a nuclear explosion is not far fetched at all, and that is why she is asking for such drastic measures, as reeducation facilities and the guillotine for some of the rich people, to solve the fiscal problems of society, of which she is a staunch member.

Besides, she loves to live and enjoy life; and she wants others to do the same. So, that is why she is making a great impact on current affairs.

The people admire you, Roseanne, because they realize that you care about them; and also, you have sympathy for all mankind.

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