Monday, October 10, 2011


As the Occupy Wall Street ruckus starts to enter its forth week, politicians are perplexed, and it looks as if they are unaware of the distraction that the demonstration in New York City is causing; but what they are not prepared to do is try to end it.

Also that the spread of it to other cities is picking up steam, and it will not be just one demonstration, but a great number of them all over the country. There is not going to be a let up for municipal governments to grapple with each situation. Law enforcement agencies everywhere have their hands full in controlling the huge assemblies of demonstrators.

It is obvious that the country's struggling economy has a part to play in all this; as well as the 9.1% unemployment level, which has been going for three straight months.

Though, there is a lot of activity in the United States Congress; but there is also a plan to occupy Washington D.C. afoot. However, where the occupation will be is yet not known; either on Capitol Hill itself or on Pennsylvania Avenue or in both places; but it will surely be at somebody's doorstep.

Members of Congress cannot blame anyone for the demonstrations across the nation, for the cause of them is their failure to find common ground on issues, in order to solve the problems that the country is facing.

The stalemates, gridlocks and impasses have become congenital in government business, and everywhere one turns, there is a press conference of one party or another attacking, disputing and deprecating the other party's plans to find a solution to this or that; to the extent that, the very specific place, where the laws of the land emanate, has become dysfunctional form being delusional with just political beliefs.

When President Barack Obama introduced his America Jobs Act proposal, there was a response by the opposition that there were some ideas in it that needed looking into.

In a matter of weeks that it has been around, something could have been done to get a bill before Congress. Now, it was running into one whole month for it to come to the floor of the Senate.

Why the wait and delay tactics by politicians, when there is an emergency, with respect to unemployment; and that immediate steps must be taken to deal with it; but the trading of arguments is what is more important than the real issues at hand.

The common man in the street sees the opportunity to act for himself, because there is nobody else to do so on his behalf. Hence, these demonstrations across the nation.

If Congress will forget about politics and seriously work to achieve compromises, there will not be unlawful assemblies covering the length and breath of America. All that its members have to do is to finalize a bill that can be passed into law to alleviate the chronic unemployment. Simple.

What people are looking for is work; not trouble. With the unemployment situation tackled effectively, the slow economy will pick up speed and grow for peace to come to many homes; from whence a majority of these demonstrators have come.

Fighting over the presidency of the United States can wait. The country has more than a year to go to the polls to elect or reelect a president. However, for the time being, Congress must find a way to resolve the issue of unemployment first. The demonstrations will then stop.

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