Monday, March 26, 2012


The Republican Party race for nomination now seems to have become a two-man contest between Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum; and the party is divided down the middle as to which candidate will be politically strong enough to face President Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential election.

Romney tends to play it cool with just statements about the number of delegates that he is able to acquire so far, of more than 500 of them toward the target of about 1400 or so delegates that he is supposed to have at the party's convention, where a nominee will be picked.

However, Santorum is settling on making comments that a fellow candidate in the same party is not likely to make about any of his rivals in the race.

After saying that Romney is not trustworthy in several of his speeches on the campaign trail, he is now adding that he (Romney) is the "worst conservative in the country," (CNN, 03/26/12).

He is asking how his own party can put up a person like Romney against Obama, when the party establishment is well aware of the shortcomings of Romney.

He has passed a health care bill similar to the one that Republicans referred to as "Obamacare", as governor of Massachusetts; and also he has none of the Republican Party core beliefs to his credit.

He, Santorum, has the credibility and credentials of being a true conservative and therefore he must be the party's choice. Yet, the hierarchy of the Republican Party, for the obvious reason that Romney is wealthy, is eyeing him instead; though, an unsuitable person, to represent it (party) in such an important election.

Besides, Santorum thinks that he has the evangelical and an overwhelming tea party support than Romney, and that will cause a great number of the Republican grass roots membership to stay away on election day, if Romney becomes the nominee.

If that happens, Obama will win the election by a landslide that his party, the Democratic Party, is expecting against any of the president's challengers this coming Fall; however, they visualize that it will be easier with Romney as his party's choice than any of his colleagues in the nomination race.

There is no denying that there is a firestorm in the Republican Party that can end up in a broker convention in Tampa, FL. only a few months away; and also it will be more than critical to get Santorum, who is now digging his heels in into winning the nomination, to turn around and give in to Romney, who is the party elitists' favorite.

This blog's forecast that Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul, the other two candidates left in the race, will just be "by standing" candidates is coming true. Though, they both are insisting that their campaigns are still functioning pretty well, the writing is still on the wall that their candidacy days to be president of the United States are numbered.

Gingrich's hopes to gain the conservative backing of his party has come to naught, and he is even expecting Santorum to drop out of the race, so that he (Gingrich) gets the evangelicals to vote for him in the remaining primaries; but that is now just an empty dream.

As for Ron Paul the only reason why he is staying in the race is to ensure his supporters that their financial contributions are going to be used until the final bell that tells them that their forlorn candidate is completely out.

Meanwhile, the Republican race continues, but it seems that whoever comes out a winner can hardly stand the tests of the many uncertainties that are waiting in the world today, if he is to be president.

For he will have been battered in such a way that he will be dazed from a totally frivolous fight, and his own party will not give him its full support; let alone the country.

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