Friday, March 23, 2012


The headline that President Barack Obama should intervene in the Martin shooting case in Florida, did not hold water; and it did not make a low profile incident, though nationally condemned, a priority for the White House.

At present, the economy, the gruesome unemployment figures and the high cost of gasoline would preoccupy the the president more than any other matters; and he was dealing with them step by step, as the nation expected.

To go out of that mode and to dabble in a racially motivated case would be a big distraction for him and for so many people, and that would not give credence to his political campaign for a second term. In other words, stepping out that (mode) would not be advisable.

He was presently in a groove or a tight corner, with his opponents on the Republican side using political rhetoric to blame him on all kinds of issues, from the Keystone XL pipeline to his Low Cost Healthcare Act.

In fact, all the jurisprudence was there for the law enforcement authorities in the state of Florida to take the necessary action to handle the case in the way it should be. That a homicide has taken place, and the accused perpetrator should be behind bars, while the initial investigation was in progress.

For Zimmerman, the shooter, to be walking free was obnoxious, and many Americans have expressed in mainstream media as well as the social ones, like and; showing how preposterous it was that an arrest has still not taken place.

That was a routine that the police officers on the scene in the complex, where Trayvon Martin was shot, should have done; to put the handcuffs on Zimmerman for being the gunman, and then an investigation would follow in due course.

Martin was already dead, and the procedure was to send his body to the nearest hospital, and then Zimmerman would be questioned for using a gun on an unarmed person. There and then, there was the probable cause for the police officers to arrest the shooter.

In other words, the initial legal procedures were not followed by the police; and if so, why not? It might have been that Zimmerman has claimed that "the shooting was in self defense." as they, the police, might have identified him as a neighborhood watchman, and so he was protected by a local "stand your ground" law.

"Sanford Police Chief Bill Lee is temporarily stepping down amid accusations that his department bungled the investigation into the shooting death of Florida teen Trayvon Martin." (ABC news, 03/23/12).

That was a good sign for Martin's family that the death of their son was being seriously handled; and now that Federal law enforcement has become involved, the course of the case would not be misdirected as they feared would happen.

The NAACP was there, and so was Rev. Sharpton; and they were present to rally behind the grieving family for legal advice and to give Martin's parents the moral support they so much needed.

They, the parents, should rest assured that President Obama had their sympathy in mind, as White House staff members have already briefed him on the case; and that he would be following it, just as much as he went about his normal presidential duties

Given the nature of the incident, he should be very cautious in making any remark, as that would affect the ongoing investigation; and particularly as the case has racial connotations, it would be improper for him to directly comment on it, as Martin was an African American as he. At least, "no comment" would be the best thing to do at the present moment.

Having the report of the case was enough; and so they, parents, should not worry about the president's reaction, as he was with them in spirit.

That could be the guess of the writer of this blog, but it was possible.

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