Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Amid the hoopla of the Republican Party nomination race, one cannot, but concentrate on the issue of Iran wanting to obtain a nuclear weapon.

The idea is scary, not just for Israel, but rather for the whole world; as such a situation will call for Saudi Arabia, Iraq and other countries to arm themselves for eventual self defence.

That will be the start of an unstoppable nuclear proliferation, which has been the topic at the United Nations for a number of years; that the spread of "nukes" will put the world on the path of destruction instead of peace.

Forget about the prosperity that all nations seek simultaneously with peace.

Just as it is now, the ordinary news of Iran being close to having a nuclear weapon makes people nervous; an outbreak of nuclear weapons in the most volatile region of the world sends chills down the spine of every individual on earth.

Iran, and therefore the adjoining countries have or will want to possess "the bomb"? That will be unbearable.

At best, it makes for nations to be jittery, as it will be bad for the world economy, and render the Middle East hapless; but at worse, it can end life as we all know it.

As it was seen on Monday, President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu were on the same page, with respect to stopping Iran from using its nuclear program for making bombs; and that a military option, on their part, was still on the table.

Yet, the headline "Military at odds with GOP on Iran policy" makes a bit of any bad news worse; and that is to say that some politicians do not trust the resolve of the Obama administration to use force with Iran.

There have been differences of opinion, back and forth, between Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey on one side, and some Republican Party leaders on the other.

"In recent weeks, he and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey made several Iran-related comments that irritated Israel, prompted an unusual public rebuke from Republican senators and became campaign trail fodder for Republican presidential candidates."

Needless to say that Israel is in dire straits, and its defence is paramount to President Obama; however, the timing is not right for bombs to be rained on Iran, as some Republican Senators are urging him to do.

Still talking about the forceful rhetoric going on between the two sides, the article goes on to say,

"There’s no indication that any of the remarks by Pentagon officials contradicted the advice the U.S. had been giving to Israel privately. However, they diverged from the public stance at that time of President Barack Obama, who insisted that the U.S. and Israel are “in lock step” on Iran." (, 03/07/12).

Therefore, why the rush?

As everybody knows, severe sanctions have been applied on Iran, and its economy is in distress, showing that it is only the timing, which is being considered by the two sides, that makes the difference. Nevertheless, the stern sanctions now on Iran must be allowed to work.

With that will be diplomatic channels still open for serious talks for the reluctant Iranian leaders to come to their senses before any drastic step is taken.

Other nations, such as Germany, Canada, etc., are putting pressure on Iran; yet, however skeptical they are, there is the slight chance that Iran will listen to them. Also, there is the hope that, somehow, the people of Iran will take matters into their own hands and correct the disastrous path their country is taking.

It is true that "time is of the essence"; but it is also true that circumstances can force Iran to change course and save the world from a crisis that it (world) does not need at this time.

It is all a matter of time.

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