Saturday, March 3, 2012


Kirk Cameron's interview with Piers Morgan on homosexuality makes an interesting episode in television viewing, in that the younger man, Cameron, will come out as being far more knowledgeable than the older person, Piers Morgan.

Nobody would know whether Morgan was a homosexual, (and I am writing in the past tense; forgive me), but he took a stance and portrayed himself as being one, and then challenged Cameron to critique him personally.

He, Morgan, has made a big mistake in doing so, for the answers that came from Cameron were so poignant and straight forward, they made Morgan to look more like a child asking for advice to evaluate his conduct as a "thief", whether that trait was good or bad.

He looked Morgan straight in the eye and said that there were all sorts of issues that came into play for saying that "You are gay," and that "You yourself are using a standard of morality for yourself; and another man would be using another set of morality," to justify his behavior. That would be chaotic.

That would only mean one thing for individuals to make their own moral laws, and if so, that would spell complete chaos for society as a whole. In fact, forming a society based on that premise would be impossible.

Cameron had previously defined marriage as a relationship made by God, and to him redefining it in any other way would be atrocious. In a sense, it was the only relationship, between a man and a woman that has a purpose, and that was to create a family.

Even, after that, Morgan was saying that seven states in the United States have legalized "homosexual marriage", and Cameron pointed out to him that being a Christian, the states could do whatever they liked, it did not affect his moral standards.

Whether that was immoral or not, look at where it would end up; the end of humanity as we all knew it, if homosexuality should be the plan on which to build a society.

There would be no children born, and society, and therefore humanity would die out. The earth would not be empty, because animals, which did not have any rules, but only their natural, mental preoccupation, would be the only things here on earth. Mankind would therefore be out.

Cameron has taught the limey some good and serious lessons that he would never forget.

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