Saturday, March 17, 2012


As President Obama looks to the future, with respect to the versatility of energy types, namely, gas, solar, wind, renewable energy sources, including natural gas and even hydro electric, his opponents, especially those in the Republican Party nomination race, are concentrating on the present.

He uses the innovation of the telephone and the television, that people without foresight have made fun of them initially, but now their use have benefited the advancement of human progress.

So will future generations adhere to new energy sources, rather than depending solely on crude oil to run industries and transportation systems. What oil can do, other sources can do too.

That will cause high oil and therefore gas prices, that go simultaneously with each other, to go down for motorists of all kinds, such as mothers driving their children to school and those going to and from work.

The United States will become free from foreign oil producers in the Middle East and other such places, where prices can be jacked up overnight to disturb the budgets of individuals and companies, and also to have sudden, unexpected and unwanted impact on the economy.

At present, 40% of the U.S. economy depends on oil from other countries, while domestic production makes up for the rest; however, the consumption is always high for the 60% to catch up with that kind of enormous capacity.

In other words, no matter how much drilling takes place, in national parks and offshore platforms, oil production at home cannot match the use of oil by the American consumer.

In fact, the U.S. alone uses one third of the world's oil production; and as there cannot be "baby drill, baby drill" all over the country, the dependence of oil from overseas will continue.

That will always be to the disadvantage of America, because countries like China and India are exploring the world market for oil, and they will buy it at prices determined by the producing countries and organizations like OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries), over which no body or any outside government has any control.

"You want the oil, you have to buy it at our price," the producers will say. Competition between buyer countries becomes stiff, and that will make matters even worse for the price to go nowhere else but up.

Speculators and oil profiteers will add their share to the price on the world market, and with that the ordinary motorist will be left to bear the brunt of the whole process.

In energy crisis like the one the U.S. is facing now, consumers tend to kneel on the government; however, what makes that inconceivable is that the oil companies are hardly mentioned in the media.

Though, everybody knows that they (oil companies) are playing a large role in all that is going on, but they hardly get mentioned; or are they ever asked to reduce prices at the pump? Hmm! One tends to wonder why?

Can it be that the media and the oil companies are hand-in-glove and working against the consumer? These are harrowing questions, but who is to answer them?

On the other hand, alternate energy sources will solve the problem of gas prices, as nothing else can do so.

Obama's opponents are using them (gas prices) to beat him on the head, when they even know that he is doing the right thing, by looking down into the future and telling consumers that there is a way out of the whole mess. They are only interested in making the blame to be on him. Yet, is that fair?

You be the judge.

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